
zerodao SDK mocks

npm install @zerodao/mocks@0.3.43



Project repository for the zeroDAO codebase, including the production contracts.

Publishing to NPM

  1. Get access to the zerodao organization on NPM
  2. Generate an access token on NPM
  3. Create an .npmrc file in the root of this directory
  4. Paste the following in that .npmrc file with your generated access token:
  1. Install Lerna using npm i -g lerna
  2. Lastly, publish your changes to NPM using lerna publish patch


To install to a browser application

yarn add @zerodao/sdk

The primary exports encountered in the library can be accessed and used as follows:


A ZeroP2P instance can be used as an argument to Request#publish to broadcast any one of the derived Request classes

import { ZeroP2P } from "@zerodao/sdk";
import { Wallet } from "@ethersproject/wallet";

(async () => {
  const signer = Wallet.createRandom();
  const peer = await ZeroP2P.fromPassword({
    multiaddr: 'mainnet',
    password: await signer.getAddress()
  }); // deterministic libp2p key generation -- only run one peer with the same multiaddr
  await peer.start();
  await peer.subscribeKeepers(); // keepers announce themselves and their multiaddr is stored in the peer._keepers Array


Abstract class used to derive different types of broadcasts in the protocol. Currently, only TransferRequest and BurnRequest are used. Cannot be instantiated.

import { CONTROLLER_DEPLOYMENTS, Request } from "@zerodao/sdk";

const ethereumControllerAddress = Object.keys(CONTROLLER_DEPLOYMENTS).find((contractAddress) => CONTROLLER_DEPLOYMENTS[contractAddress] === 'Ethereum');

Request.addressToChainId(ethereumControllerAddress) // 1


Primary class for bridging BTC or ZEC to a host EVM network. Accepts a simple configuration object as an input to its constructor and exposes some methods useful for broadcasting to zeroDAO keepers.

import { FIXTURES, DEPLOYMENTS, TransferRequest, ZeroP2P } from "@zerodao/sdk";
import { Wallet } from "@ethersproject/wallet";
import { parseUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
import { AddressZero } from "@ethersproject/constants";
import { AbiCoder } from "@ethersproject/abi";
const coder = new AbiCoder();

(async () => {
  const wallet = Wallet.createRandom(); // get a signer object any way necessary
  const peer = await ZeroP2P.fromPassword({
    multiaddr: 'mainnet',
    password: await signer.getAddress()
  const chainId = 1;
  const contractAddress = DEPLOYMENTS[chainId].mainnet.contracts.BadgerBridgeZeroController.address;
  const request = new TransferRequest({
    asset: FIXTURES.ETHEREUM.renBTC, // or use renZEC on mainnet
    amount: parseUnits('1', 18) // 1 ETH
    module: AddressZero, // bridge to ETH
    to: await signer.getAddress(),
    data: coder.encode(['uint256'], [ getMinOutForTrade() ]), // ETH module accepts minOut for swapping to ETH, to prevent slippage
    underwriter: contractAddress,
  console.log(await request.toGatewayAddress());
  await request.publish(peer).toPromise();


Primary class for releasing funds as BTC or ZEC

import { FIXTURES, DEPLOYMENTS, TransferRequest, ZeroP2P } from "@zerodao/sdk";
import { Wallet } from "@ethersproject/wallet";
import { parseUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
import { MaxUint256 } from "@ethersproject/constants";
import { AbiCoder } from "@ethersproject/abi";
const coder = new AbiCoder();

(async () => {
  const signer = Wallet.createRandom(); // get a signer object any way necessary
  const peer = await ZeroP2P.fromPassword({
    multiaddr: 'mainnet',
    password: await signer.getAddress()
  const chainId = 1;
  const contractAddress = DEPLOYMENTS[chainId].mainnet.contracts.BadgerBridgeZeroController.address;
  const request = new BurnRequest({
    asset: FIXTURES.ETHEREUM.WBTC, // or use renZEC on mainnet
    owner: await signer.getAddress(),
    amount: parseUnits('1', 8), // 1 WBTC
    data: coder.encode(['uint256'], [ getMinOutForTrade() ]), // WBTC module accepts minOut for swapping to WBTC, to prevent slippage
    deadline: MaxUint256 // set an expiry time for ERC20Permit message
  if (await request.needsApproval()) await (await request.approve()).wait();
  await request.sign(signer);
  await request.publish(peer).toPromise();