Project repository for the zeroDAO codebase, including the production contracts.
Publishing to NPM
- Get access to the zerodao organization on NPM
- Generate an access token on NPM
- Create an
file in the root of this directory - Paste the following in that
file with your generated access token:
- Install Lerna using
npm i -g lerna
- Lastly, publish your changes to NPM using
lerna publish patch
To install to a browser application
yarn add @zerodao/sdk
The primary exports encountered in the library can be accessed and used as follows:
A ZeroP2P instance can be used as an argument to Request#publish to broadcast any one of the derived Request classes
import { ZeroP2P } from "@zerodao/sdk";
import { Wallet } from "@ethersproject/wallet";
(async () => {
const signer = Wallet.createRandom();
const peer = await ZeroP2P.fromPassword({
multiaddr: 'mainnet',
password: await signer.getAddress()
}); // deterministic libp2p key generation -- only run one peer with the same multiaddr
await peer.start();
await peer.subscribeKeepers(); // keepers announce themselves and their multiaddr is stored in the peer._keepers Array
Abstract class used to derive different types of broadcasts in the protocol. Currently, only TransferRequest and BurnRequest are used. Cannot be instantiated.
import { CONTROLLER_DEPLOYMENTS, Request } from "@zerodao/sdk";
const ethereumControllerAddress = Object.keys(CONTROLLER_DEPLOYMENTS).find((contractAddress) => CONTROLLER_DEPLOYMENTS[contractAddress] === 'Ethereum');
Request.addressToChainId(ethereumControllerAddress) // 1
Primary class for bridging BTC or ZEC to a host EVM network. Accepts a simple configuration object as an input to its constructor and exposes some methods useful for broadcasting to zeroDAO keepers.
import { FIXTURES, DEPLOYMENTS, TransferRequest, ZeroP2P } from "@zerodao/sdk";
import { Wallet } from "@ethersproject/wallet";
import { parseUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
import { AddressZero } from "@ethersproject/constants";
import { AbiCoder } from "@ethersproject/abi";
const coder = new AbiCoder();
(async () => {
const wallet = Wallet.createRandom(); // get a signer object any way necessary
const peer = await ZeroP2P.fromPassword({
multiaddr: 'mainnet',
password: await signer.getAddress()
const chainId = 1;
const contractAddress = DEPLOYMENTS[chainId].mainnet.contracts.BadgerBridgeZeroController.address;
const request = new TransferRequest({
asset: FIXTURES.ETHEREUM.renBTC, // or use renZEC on mainnet
amount: parseUnits('1', 18) // 1 ETH
module: AddressZero, // bridge to ETH
to: await signer.getAddress(),
data: coder.encode(['uint256'], [ getMinOutForTrade() ]), // ETH module accepts minOut for swapping to ETH, to prevent slippage
underwriter: contractAddress,
console.log(await request.toGatewayAddress());
await request.publish(peer).toPromise();
Primary class for releasing funds as BTC or ZEC
import { FIXTURES, DEPLOYMENTS, TransferRequest, ZeroP2P } from "@zerodao/sdk";
import { Wallet } from "@ethersproject/wallet";
import { parseUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
import { MaxUint256 } from "@ethersproject/constants";
import { AbiCoder } from "@ethersproject/abi";
const coder = new AbiCoder();
(async () => {
const signer = Wallet.createRandom(); // get a signer object any way necessary
const peer = await ZeroP2P.fromPassword({
multiaddr: 'mainnet',
password: await signer.getAddress()
const chainId = 1;
const contractAddress = DEPLOYMENTS[chainId].mainnet.contracts.BadgerBridgeZeroController.address;
const request = new BurnRequest({
asset: FIXTURES.ETHEREUM.WBTC, // or use renZEC on mainnet
owner: await signer.getAddress(),
amount: parseUnits('1', 8), // 1 WBTC
data: coder.encode(['uint256'], [ getMinOutForTrade() ]), // WBTC module accepts minOut for swapping to WBTC, to prevent slippage
deadline: MaxUint256 // set an expiry time for ERC20Permit message
if (await request.needsApproval()) await (await request.approve()).wait();
await request.sign(signer);
await request.publish(peer).toPromise();