
A user interface wrapper for configurable HTML displays over GameStartr games.

npm install UserWrappr@0.5.0



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Creates configurable HTML displays over flexible-sized contents.

UserWrappr adds two features for wrapping HTML contents:

  1. Sizing of the content area within the available window space
  2. Delayed creation of content menus from readable schemas


const userWrapper = new UserWrappr({
    createContents: (size: IAbsoluteSizeSchema) => {
        return YourContentCreationLogic(size).canvas;



UserWrappr prioritizes creating the contents as soon as possible. When you call createDisplay, the following happen in order:

  1. View libraries (MobX+React) start to load.
  2. A visual approximation of your menus is placed at the bottom of the area.
  3. Contents are created in the remaining usable area.
  4. Once view libraries are loaded, real menus created using them to replace the fake menus.


It's assumed that your menus will exist below your content. Hovering over a menu title with a mouse will open the menu the content.

Each menu's schema must contain a title: string and options: IOptionSchema[]. Options will be created in top-to-bottom order within their parent menu. The allowed option types, as indicated by the type member of the option schemas, are:

  • "action": Simple triggerable action with an action: () => void callback.
  • "boolean": Stores an on/off value.
  • "multi-select": Stores multiple options within preset values. Needs:
    • options: string[]: Given preset values.
    • selections: number: How many of the preset options must be chosen at once.
  • "number": Stores a numeric value. May specify max and/or min values.
  • "select": Stores one of some preset options: string[].
  • "string": Stores a string value.

All schema types except "action" store their TValue type and must also provide:

  • getInitialValue(): TValue: returns an initial state for the value.
  • saveValue(newValue: TValue, oldValue: TValue): void: saves a new state for the value.

See OptionSchemas.ts for the full definitions.


UserWrappr will provide some default styles to its elements to position them. You can override them by passing in a styles object keying preset identifiers to their CSS styles. Although they're not used internally, you can also customize which class names are added to elements by passing a classNames object mapping preset identifiers to their class names. Both styles and classNames will only override with provided values.

See ClassNames.ts for default class names and Styles.ts for preset identifiers and their default values.


Optional Parameters

  • classNames: IClassNames: Class names to use for display elements.
  • createElement: (tagName: string, properties: IElementProperties): Creates a new HTML element.
  • defaultSize: IRelativeSizeSchema: Initial size to create contents at (by default, 100% x 100%).
  • getAvailableContainerHeight: Gets how much height is available to hold contents (by default, window.innerHeight).
  • menuInitializer: string: RequireJS path to the menu initialization script.
  • menus: IMenuSchema[]: Menus to create inside the menus area.
  • styles: IStyles: Styles to use for display elements.
  • requirejs: RequireJS (AMD) API to load scripts.

See IUserWrappr.ts for specifications on the parameters.


Giving each menu title a .my-menu-title class and color: red CSS style:

const userWrapper = new UserWrappr({
    classNames: {
        menuTitle: "my-menu-title"
    createContents: () => { /* ... */ },
    styles: {
        menuTitle: {
            color: "red"

Creating a menu with mute and volume inputs for a GameStartr's AudioPlayr:

const game = new GameStartr(/* ... */);

const userWrapper = new UserWrappr({
    createContents: (size: IAbsoluteSizeSchema) => {
        return game.canvas;
    menus: [
            options: [
                    getInitialValue: (): boolean => game.audioPlayer.getMuted(),
                    saveValue: (value: boolean): void => {
                    title: "Mute",
                    type: OptionType.Boolean
                    getInitialValue: (): number => Math.round(game.audioPlayer.getVolume() * 100),
                    maximum: 100,
                    minimum: 0,
                    saveValue: (value: number): void => {
                        game.audioPlayer.setVolume(value / 100);
                    title: "Volume",
                    type: OptionType.Number
            title: "Sound"


After forking the repo from GitHub:

git clone<your-name-here>/UserWrappr
cd UserWrappr
npm install
npm run setup
npm run verify
  • npm run setup creates a few auto-generated setup files locally.
  • npm run verify builds, lints, and runs tests.


npm run watch

Source files are written under src/ in TypeScript and compile in-place to JavaScript files. npm run watch will directly run the TypeScript compiler on source files in watch mode. Use it in the background while developing to keep the compiled files up-to-date.

Running Tests

npm run test

Tests are written in Mocha and Chai. Their files are written using alongside source files under src/ and named *.test.ts?. Whenever you add, remove, or rename a *.test.t* file under src/, watch will re-run npm run test:setup to regenerate the list of static test files in test/index.html. You can open that file in a browser to debug through the tests.