
A Web Component Combining Ace Editor with an XTerm Terminal as the output target, allowing fiddling with javascript to Termnal output.

ace, xterm, webcomponent, web, component, Web Component, web-component, fiddle, demo
npm install ace-xterm-wc@1.0.1


ace-xterm web component

A Web Component Combining Ace Editor with an XTerm Terminal as the output target. Should work in any modern browser supporting web components, you may need to use a polyfill if you're targeting some browsers.

Tested in Chrome 71+ & Firefox 64+. Demo for micro-chalk.

Ace Screenshot

xTerm Screenshot


Include the script in your header:

<script src="ace-xterm.wc.js" type="module"></script>

Use an <ace-xterm> HTML tag in your document. Text within the tag will become the code shown in the ace editor upon initialization.

    import { ANSI } from '';

    const log = new ANSI()
        .options( { post: (output) => { console.log(output); return output; } } );

    {black.White black text on White background.}
            {black.white black text on white background.}
    {Black.White Black text on White background.}
            {Black.white Black text on white background.}

        {Yellow Note use of white vs White, all base colors work this way.}
            {White Title case is bright} and {white lowercase is dim.}
                red -> Red, blue -> Blue, etc.

            chalk          micro-chalk
              {red red}            {red red}
              {redBright redBright}      {Red Red}

              {green green}          {green green}
              {greenBright greenBright}    {Green Green}

              {bgBlue bgBlue}         {.blue .blue}
              {bgBlueBright bgBlueBright}   {.Blue .Blue}

              {bgRed bgRed}          {.red .red}
              {bgRedBright bgRedBright}    {.Red .Red}

    {.Red Sample of White on Red.}
            {.red Sample of White on red.}
    {.Blue Sample of White on Blue.}
            {.blue Sample of White on blue.}

See the demo.html page for a complete example.

This was developed for use with gitbook documention of micro-chalk.