
Check AE startup file

After, Effects, startup
npm install ae-manager@1.0.0


AfterFX Manager

NodeJS module for After Effects process. Starts AfterFX and monitors process status and checks is AfterFX running via startup file. Default startup file path is C:\test\AeIsReady.json. You can change this while initializing AEManager class, see examples below. jsx/AeIsReady.jsx script creates AE running check file (AeIsReady.json) if AE is ready.

Add jsx/AeIsReady.jsx file to C:\Program Files\Adobe\\[AE version]\Support Files\Scripts\Startup

Create C:\test\ folder or define new path where to check AE startup file while initializing AEManager class, see example below. If you define new startup file path then you must change this on jsx/AeIsReady.jsx file to.


$ npm i @singularitycreations/ae-manager
const { AEManager } = require('@singularitycreations/ae-manager');

// AEManager starts AfterFX if it´s not running and starts process monitoring.
// Start with default conf.
const aem = new AEManager();

// or with your conf.
const aem = new AEManager({
    aeBinary = '/full/path/to/AfterFX.exe',
    prName = 'AfterFX.exe', // process name in task manager
    aeRunningCheckFile = '/full/path/to/AeIsReady.json',

// AEManager depends on @singularitycreations/process-manager
// Process manager class object if needed
const pm =;

(async () => {
    try {
    // wait until AE is ready, startup file found.
    // you can use this function many times.
    await aem.isReady();    

    // your code ...
    } catch (error) {