
Get all possible javascript (npm/yarn/pnpm) global or local, binaries or packages paths, e.g. node_modules and node_modules/.bin. Also works for those using NVM or such

bin, bin-paths, binaries, developer-experience, development, dx, global, global-modules, hela, javascript, local, local-modules, module, module-paths, npm, package-paths, packages, paths, pnpm, tunnckocore-oss, tunnckocorehq, utils, yarn, automation, babel, babel-preset, conventional-commits, eslint, eslint-config, freesoftware, git, jest, libraries, modern, monorepo, opensource, parse-commit-message, parsing, quality, testing, typescript, utilities
npm install all-module-paths@0.10.7


Open Source Monorepo

Delivering delightful digital solutions. Open Source Monorepo (of monorepos), semantically versioned following Conventional Commits. Fully powered by Lerna, Jest and Babel.



Non-scoped general purpose packages

pkg badges
all-module-paths npm cov
arr-includes npm cov
babel-preset-optimise npm cov
gitclone-cli npm cov
gitclone-defaults npm cov
glob-cache npm cov
ip-filter npm cov
jest-runner-docs npm cov
jest-runner-node npm cov
jest-runner-rollup npm cov
koa-better-body npm cov
parse-commit-message npm cov
parse-function npm cov
prettier-plugin-pkgjson npm cov
stringify-github-short-url npm cov
to-file-path npm cov


Scoped general purpose packages

pkg badges
@tunnckocore/create-jest-runner npm cov
@tunnckocore/execa npm cov
@tunnckocore/jest-runner-babel npm cov
@tunnckocore/jest-runner-eslint npm cov
@tunnckocore/package-json npm cov
@tunnckocore/pretty-config npm cov
@tunnckocore/utils npm cov