
I2C driver for alphanumeric LED driver based on the HT16K33 LED driver

npm install alphanumeric-led@1.0.0



raspberry Pi projects based on Node.JS

To Setup your Pi: • Format SD card with SDFormatter and select Format Size Adjustment = on • Copy files form Noob at and boot up Pi. Pick raspbian Jessie option and let it install • The variant of Node.js v0.10.29 that comes preinstalled with Raspbian Jessie 2015-11-21 is broken. It's not possible to install Node.js native add-ons with this variant of Node.js. You need to remove it to update it.
â—‹ Remove nodeJS by connecting to pi and logging in over SSH and follow the steps below. sudo apt-get remove nodered sudo apt-get remove nodejs nodejs-legacy sudo apt-get remove npm # if you installed npm

    â—‹ Get latest version of nodeJS:
        sudo wget
        sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
        Node -v to see version (v4.2.1)

    â—‹ Install github.
        sudo apt-get install git
        Pull files down for first time
        git clone git://
        To update files on pi type git pull from the project directory.  In this case cd to raspberryPi-Projects and then type git pull.