
[![npm version](](

npm install amoe-butterworth-widgets@0.6.2



npm version

Usage instructions

There is no default export. A named export WidgetView is exported.

The WidgetView takes a single prop, taxonomies. This is an object defining a set of available taxonomies. The string key is used to uniquely identify the taxonomy. The taxonomy should have a single root node.

Nodes should have a certain structure. A node should be an object with the following structure:

    content: "foo",
    uri: ",2018-12-28:occubrow/Transport/1"

The URI is an opaque unique identifier string. Here I am using tag URIs. Each node must have a unique value for this property. It doesn't need to be a real URI, it could just as well be an integer, although URIs are preferred.

To get the needed CSS rules, you should do the following either within a component or within your entry point.

import 'amoe-butterworth-widgets/dist/amoe-butterworth-widgets.css';

Include the Vuex module into your store like so.

import Vuex from 'vuex';
import { WidgetsModule } from 'amoe-butterworth-widgets';


export default new Vuex.Store({
    // [rest of store definition omitted]
    modules: {
        widgets: WidgetsModule

Releasing a new version


Bump version number in package.json


./node_modules/.bin/vue-cli-service build --target lib --name amoe-butterworth-widgets src/library-entry.ts

Now npm publish