
A Phaser module built for Angular 2 components.

angular2, phaser, allen, royston, directive, games
npm install ang2-phaser@1.0.7



What Am I?!

An easy way to implement the Phaser game engine for Angular2 components.


Check it out!

But wait, I don't make games - I'm a web developer... can I still use this? HELLS YEAH YOU CAN. Make your regular sites RAD AS FUUUUUU*K.


First, make sure you include phaser in your node_modules. This will need to be linked to the phaser directive directly (example below).

npm install phaser --save
npm install ang2-phaser --save

Next, alter your systemjs.config.js to include the right pathing.

  var map = {
    'app':                        'app', // 'dist',
    '@angular':                   'node_modules/@angular',
    'angular2-in-memory-web-api': 'node_modules/angular2-in-memory-web-api',
    'rxjs':                       'node_modules/rxjs',
    'ang2-phaser':                'node_modules/ang2-phaser'

  var packages = {
    'app':                        { main: 'main.js',  defaultExtension: 'js' },
    'rxjs':                       { defaultExtension: 'js' },
    'angular2-in-memory-web-api': { main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' },
    'ang2-phaser':                { defaultExtension: 'js' }

Then include the module in your scripts (including the functions and declarations).
*Note that you do not have to include the main Phaser file; the directive will do it for you.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NG2_PHASER}  from '../../../node_modules/ang2-phaser/ng2phaser'

declare var __phaser:any;

    selector: 'my-app',
    templateUrl: './app/components/my-app/main.html',
    directives: [ NG2_PHASER ],
   template: `
       <h1>Angular2 - Phaser Demo</h1>
       <phaser (phaser)="phaserLink1($event)" ></phaser>
export class AppComponent {


      var js = document.createElement("script");
          js.type = "text/javascript";
          // Check out the demo source file then use it to make your own - make sure you path it out correctly.
          js.src = '../../../node_modules/ang2-phaser/game_demos/phaser1_demo.js';
          js.onload = function(){
   , this);

            // do something

   ngOnDestroy() {


What's up with the declare var __phaser:any;

So if you look at the demo game file (in game/phaser1_demo.js), you'll see that the whole thing is wrapped in the object __phaser. Because of how everything is asynchronously loaded, the __phaser object makes it so that they all eventually line up .

The best way to wrap you mind about it is to consider the pro/cons to this somewhat unorthodox approach. Essentially each game file should be treated as an NES catridges - each one is essentially a self contained game. The angular2 component is essentially the NES loader (minus the faulty pins that you have to blow into) and the browser is the NES itself. In otherwords, it was built this way so that catridges can be interchanged easily and regularly.

Now you could easily pack a small game into one game file, but for large scale games, it helps to break it out into scenes or parts. Not only does this help keep the code managable, but lets you build/test individual game parts out. For example, you could have an "intro", "start screen", "cutscene", "gameplay" then finally an "end screen". Each one of these could have their own assets, load screens, etc, so you could build each one out individually and then just control the order that these files are played. That's why this method exists - to help facilitate the creation of larger scale productions and test individual parts out before stiching it all together.

While we're on the subject, I'd recommend leaving the __phaser object as-is if you're just starting out. You can certainly add to it (it's expected that you do), but what's in there right now is the bare minimum required to get it to start/stop correctly. While it doesn't *have to be setup this way, I'd only recommend altering if you need to.

__phaser = {

    gameObj: null,  // REQUIRED


      init(canvasEle, appComponent){
              // create game object
              var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 500, Phaser.AUTO, canvasEle, { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
              var gameState = "preload"

              // assign it
              __phaser.gameObj = game;

            //-----------------------  PRELOAD 
            function preload() {
              // do stuff

            //-----------------------  CREATE
            function create() {
              // do stuff

            function loadStart() {
              // do stuff

            function fileComplete(progress, cacheKey, success, totalLoaded, totalFiles) {
              // do stuff

            function preloaderUpdate(){
              // do stuff

            function loadComplete() {
              // do stuff

            function startGame(){
              // do stuff

            function gameplayUpdate(){
              // do stuff

            //-----------------------  UPDATE
            function update() {
              // do stuff



    //-------------------  REQUIRED



// if you want to use an alternate version of Phaser (instead of the most up to date version, which is 2.6.1, then you
// can just just pass the file location in the setting -> file

<phaser (phaser)="phaserLink1($event)" [settings]="{file:'node_modules/phaser/build/phaser.min.js'}"></phaser>



Live Demo

Coming soon!


  • Phaser


MIT - go nuts y'all.