
A major breaking change 1.0.0 - (increases the major and pushes a release/publish)

npm install another-npm@11.0.0



A major breaking change 1.0.0 - (increases the major and pushes a release/publish)

A feature change 1.1.0 with breaking change - (increases the minor and pushes a release/publish)

A doc change 1.1.0 - no change

A feature change 1.2.0 without breaking change - (increases the minor and pushes a release/publish)

A Fix 1.2.1 - (increases the patch and pushes a release/publish)

A Style commit - no change

A Refactor - no change

A Perf - 1.2.2 - (increases the patch and pushes a release/publish)

A test - no change

A build - no change

A ci - no change

A chore - no change

A revert - no change

So.... 1.2.3 (Major.Minor.Patch)

  • Any type of commit can force a release/publish by answering yes to "Are there any breaking changes?"

  • Changes that trigger a release/publish (without having to answer yes to the breaking changes question)

    Type w/out breaking change with breaking change
    Feat increases minor increases major
    Fix increases patch increases major
    Perf increases patch increases major
  • Changes that do not trigger a release/publish (unless you answer yes to the breaking change question)

    • Doc
    • Style
    • Refactor
    • Test
    • Build
    • CI
    • Chore
    • Revert