Rocketmakers Armstrong library of React components

typescript, React, sass
npm install armstrong-react@1.0.5



Armstrong React - Rocketmakers React component library.

2.0 Breaking changes

Armstrong 2.0 is a performance related upgrade which cleans up a lot of things that I've been meaning to get round to for a while now.

Library upgrades

Every dependency is now at it's latest version as of 21/04/17. This hopefully won't cause issues, but it's here just so you know.


Your main import for armstrong is now core rather than style as below:

Before @import "~armstrong-react/dist/style";

After @import "~armstrong-react/dist/core";

Icon usage

If you want to use an icon on any element, your component must import Icon and you then use Icon.icomoon.rocket for example rather than the previous Button.icomoon.rocket.


It's now mega easy to work on armstrong. Literally clone the repo and run

yarn start

And you're cookin! All armstrong and workbench files will be watched and recompiled on the fly. Because extract text plugin is now so fast, it is used by default, even in dev! This means you get rapid CSS injection when working with browsersync. If you don't know what this means, don't worry. It basically works out as everything being faster.