
SQL-like querying on arrays

sql, array, query
npm install array-sql@0.0.3


List Query

Lightweight, dependency free node module for SQL Like querying on arrays of objects.

list query logo


Require the list-query npm package like so:

const select = require('list-query');

The module returns a function that when chained with the available methods will read in a SQL-like syntax.

For example:

const select = require('list-query');

const recentlyLoggedInAdmins = select('*')

Query Set Up

Queries must be chained with the following structure:

  • Start with the select() function
  • Include a .from() method
  • .where() or .and() prefixing chained query methods
  • End with .run()
const select = require('list-query');

const recentlyLoggedInAdmins = select('*') // SELECT STATEMENT




  // ENDS WITH '.run()' METHOD


The select() function controls the format to return the query results and can take in the following types:

  • " * " - Return entire object
const select = require('list-query');

const locations = [
  { city: 'Dallas', state: 'Texas', zip: 75001 },
  { city: 'San Diego', state: 'California', zip: 22434 },
  { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington', zip: 98101 },
  { city: 'Houston', state: 'Texas', zip: 77001 },

const texasCities = select('*').from(locations).where('state').is('Texas').run();

// Expected: [{ city: 'Dallas', state: 'Texas', zip: 75001 }, { city: 'Houston', state: 'Texas', zip: 77001 }]
  • {String of Object Key} - Return a list of only the specified key's value .
const select = require('list-query');

const locations = [
  { city: 'Dallas', state: 'Texas', zip: 75001 },
  { city: 'San Diego', state: 'California', zip: 22434 },
  { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington', zip: 98101 },
  { city: 'Houston', state: 'Texas', zip: 77001 },
const texasCities = select('city').from(locations).where('state').is('Texas').run();

// Expected: ['Dallas', 'Houston']
  • {Array of Object Keys} - Returns an object containing only the specified keys
const select = require('list-query');

const locations = [
  { city: 'Dallas', state: 'Texas', zip: 75001 },
  { city: 'San Diego', state: 'California', zip: 22434 },
  { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington', zip: 98101 },
  { city: 'Houston', state: 'Texas', zip: 77001 },
const texasCities = select(['city', 'zip']).from(locations).where('state').is('Texas').run();

// Expected: [ { city: 'Dallas', zip: 75001 }, { city: 'Houston', zip: 77001 }]


The .from() method provides the array source for the query (passed in as an argument). It must be included in the query chain.


Key Setters

.where() and .and() are key setter methods. These methods set the active key to examine for the next query method. All query methods should have a key setter called directly before it in the query chain.

While both methods are extremely similiar, for syntactic sugar .where() should be called before the first query method & .and() should be called before all following query methods.

Both functions take in a string that represents the object key to focus on for the next query. Optionally, if no value is passed to .and(), the focused key doesnt change.

const select = require('list-query');

const recentlyLoggedInAdmins = select('*')

  // where "isAccountLocked" is false
  .where('isAccountLocked') // Active key set to "isAccountLocked"
  .is(false) // Active key (isAccountLocked) is false

  // lastLogin must be > 1600473600 & <= 1600473900
  .and('lastLogin') // Active key set to "lastLogin"
  .isGreaterThan(1600473600) // Active key (lastLogin) > 1600473600
  .and() // Since no argument past, active key does not change
  .isLessThanOrEqualTo(1600473900) // Active key (lastLogin) <= 1600473900

Query Methods

  • .is(val) - Any - Compared Value must equal provided value
    • Alias - equals(val)
  • .isNot(val) - Any - Compared Value must NOT equal provided value
    • Alias - doesNotEqual(val)
  • .startsWith(str) - String - Compared Value (as string) must start with provided value
  • .endsWith(str) - String - Compared Value (as string) must end with provided value
  • .isGreaterThan(n) - Number - Compared Value must be greater than provided value
  • .isLessThan(n) - Number - Compared Value must be less than provided value
  • .isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(n) - Number - Compared Value must be greater than or equal to provided value
  • .isLessThanOrEqualTo(n) - Number - Compared Value must be less than or equal to provided value
  • .within(arr) - Array - Compared value must match a value in the provided array
    • Alias - in(arr)
  • .contains(val) - Any - Compared Value (must be an array) must contain provided value


Optionally, you can limit the max number of query results with the .limit() method.

const select = require('list-query');

const locations = [
  { city: 'Dallas', state: 'Texas', zip: 75001 },
  { city: 'San Diego', state: 'California', zip: 22434 },
  { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington', zip: 98101 },
  { city: 'Houston', state: 'Texas', zip: 77001 },
const cities = select('city').from(locations).where('state').isNot('California').limit(2).run();

// Expected: ['Dallas', 'Seattle']

Example Queries

const select = require('list-query');

const users = [
    id: 123,
    username: 'johnsmith11',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    age: 25,
    isAccountLocked: false,
    lastLogin: 1600473700,
    roleList: ['user', 'moderator', 'admin'],
    id: 456,
    username: 'foobarz',
    firstName: 'Jane',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    age: 24,
    isAccountLocked: false,
    lastLogin: 1600473700,
    roleList: ['user', 'moderator'],
    id: 903,
    username: 'joejoe',
    firstName: 'Joe',
    lastName: 'Bar',
    age: 25,
    isAccountLocked: false,
    lastLogin: 1600473900,
    roleList: ['user', 'moderator', 'admin'],
    id: 211,
    username: 'amanda92',
    firstName: 'Amanda',
    lastName: 'Baz',
    age: 24,
    isAccountLocked: true,
    lastLogin: 1600472500,
    roleList: ['user'],
    id: 115,
    username: 'billybills',
    firstName: 'Bill',
    lastName: 'Baz',
    age: 23,
    isAccountLocked: true,
    lastLogin: 1600473650,
    roleList: ['user', 'moderator', 'admin'],

// Passing "*" into "select" will return entire object
const recentlyLoggedInAdmins = select('*')
  .from(users) // From the users array

// [
//   {
//     id: 123,
//     firstName: 'John',
//     lastName: 'Smith',
//     age: 25,
//     isAccountLocked: false,
//     lastLogin: 1600473700,
//     roleList: [ 'user', 'moderator', 'admin' ]
//   },
//   {
//     id: 903,
//     firstName: 'Joe',
//     lastName: 'Bar',
//     age: 25,
//     isAccountLocked: false,
//     lastLogin: 1600473900,
//     roleList: [ 'user', 'moderator', 'admin' ]
//   }
// ]

// Passing an array of strings into "select" will return an object containing the specified keys
const lockedAccounts = select('username').from(users).where('isAccountLocked').is(true).run();

// [ 'amanda92', 'billybills' ]

// Passing a single string into "select" will return only the specified key's value
const jNamesExcludingJohn = select(['firstName', 'lastName'])

// [
//   { firstName: 'Jane', lastName: 'Doe' },
//   { firstName: 'Joe', lastName: 'Bar' }
// ]