
A javascript library of async functions

defer, delay, clear, wait, promise, forRange, debounce, throttle
npm install async-agent@0.5.4


Async Agent

A javascript library of async functions

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npm install async-agent

Requires Babel 7.2+



Clears a defer or delay callback.

debounce(callback, [duration], [options])function

Returns a new debounced function that waits to call the callback until duration ms have passed since the last time it was called.


Defers the calling of a callback until the current stack is complete.

delay(callback, [duration])number

Delays the calling of a callback for a given amount of time.

throttle(callback, [duration], [options])function

Returns a new throttled function that waits to call the callback until duration ms have passed. Any calls to it during that time will do nothing.


Delays the resolving of a new Promise for a given amount of time. Provides the same functionality as defer and delay, but with promises. Also serves as a wrapper for a Promise if a callback is provided in place of duration.

Higher-order Functions

rejectAfterBy(duration, callback)function

Returns a function that returns a Promise that rejects with the results of a callback after a delay.

rejectAfterWith([duration], [args])function

Returns a function that returns a Promise that rejects with provided args after a delay.


Returns a function that returns a Promise that rejects with the results of a callback.


Returns a function that returns a Promise that rejects with provided args.

resolveAfterBy(duration, callback)function

Returns a function that returns a Promise that resolves with the results of a callback after a delay.

resolveAfterWith([duration], [arg])function

Returns a function that returns a Promise that resolves with provided args after a delay.


Returns a function that returns a Promise that resolves with the results of a callback.


Returns a function that returns a Promise that resolves with provided args.


Returns a function that returns a Promise that calls a callback.

Iterator Functions

discard(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Discard elements from an array, in place, that pass an async test. The array is only mutated if and when all iterations are completed successfully.

each(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Execute an async callback for each element in an array.

every(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Determine whether every element in an array passes an async test.

filter(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Create a new array with all the elements of an array that pass an async test.

find(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Gets the first element in an array that passes an async test, or undefined if no element passes the test.

findIndex(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Gets the index of the first element in an array that passes an async test, or -1 if no element passes the test.

includes(array, value, [settings])Promise

Determines if an element is in an array. Uses SameValue comparison performed async.

indexOf(array, value, [settings])Promise

Gets the index of an element in an array, or -1 if the element is not found in the array. Uses SameValue comparison performed async.

map(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Create a new array populated with the results of calling an async callback on every element in an array.

reduce(array, callback, initialValue, [settings])Promise

Calls an async callback on each element of an array, reducing the array to a single output value.

some(array, callback, [settings])Promise

Determine whether at least one element in an array passes an async test.

Repeater Functions

fill(length, [callback], [settings])Promise

Returns an array of specified length filled with either the index value or the value returned from an async callback.

forRange(first, last, callback, [settings])Promise

Calls an async callback for each integer within a range.

repeat(times, callback, [settings])Promise

Calls an async callback a specified number of times.

until(callback, [settings])Promise

Calls an async callback until true is returned.