
batman-cli is an advance command runner tool. Easy to maintain command runner. Easy to config via external json or js.

cli, command-line, arguments, runner, ng, batman, batman-cli, super-cli, super-ng
npm install batman-cli@1.1.1



batman-cli is an advance command runner tool. Easy to maintain command runner. Easy to config via external json or js. Cross-platform cli tool, same command can be run on both window and unix based systems.

How to install

# As a global module
npm i -g batman-cli
# As a local module
npm i batman-cli --save-dev


  • NodeJS es6(v6.10.1 lts or higher)


Alt text


How to initialize

batman init
#with config file
batman init --config "./configs/batman.config.js" 

How to write commands

	// translated command:  ng e2e --serve=false --config=./e2e/config/protractor.cucumber.conf.js -wu=false
	"e2e:cucumber": { //command name that batman will refer
		"command": "ng e2e", //actual command that batman will execute
		"desc": "Run e2e with cucumber", //description
		"params": [], //extra params user want to pass with command, like. --prod
		"envs": ["TEST=ENV", "TEST2=$MOCK"], //enviroment variables, it can take enviroment variable to build envs
		"options": { //options requires by actual command ex. ng
			"--serve": false,
			"--config": "./e2e/config/protractor.cucumber.conf.js",
			"-wu": "false"
	"new": "ng new testapp", //simple command without description
	"test": "ng test --code-coverage", // command without description
	"install": ["npm install", "Install node modules"] // command with description

How to configure

  1. Using .batmanrc.json in root of project
	//commands here
  1. Using batman.config.js in root of project
module.exports = {
  //commands here
  1. Using package.json
// Inside package.json
"batman": {
	// commands here
  1. Using external config inside package.json
// In package.json, config path from root of project
// Using path module, path.resolve(process.cwd(), config)
// Hack if needed
"batman": {
  "config": "./batman.config.js" //or batman.config.json(js and json both supported)
// batman.config.js or batman.config.json both will work
module.exports = {
  //same as above

NOTE: Path preference is batman.config.js, .batmanrc.json, package.json

How to use

  • Run or excute command
  1. As global module Install as global module, and simply use
batman run e2e:cucumber
# This will read your batman command config, parse batman commands
# Once found e2e:cucumber, will execute.
  1. As local module, using npm Install as local module, and simply configure package.json
    // of the prop
  "scripts": {
    "batman": "batman",
    "e2e:cucumber": "batman run e2e:cucumber"
  "batman" : { 
    //Super configuration here
# Run using npm
npm run e2e:cucumber
# This will read your config, parse batman commands
# Once found e2e:cucumber, will execute.

Advance config

All the options and env supports enviroment variables, So user can replace value using $Enviroment variable

"e2e:cucumber": { //command name that batman will refer
	"command": "ng e2e", //actual command that batman will execute
	"desc": "Run e2e with cucumber", //description
	"params": [], //extra params user want to pass with command, like. --prod
	"envs": ["TEST=ENV", "TEST2=$MOCK"], //enviroment variables, it can take enviroment variable to build envs
	"options": { //options requires by actual command ex. ng
		"--serve": false,
		"--config": "./e2e/config/protractor.cucumber.conf.js",
		"-wu": "false"

Other commands

  • List Command
batman list #List commands only batman configured
batman list --npm #List all commands including local npm script

Release Note:


  • Pretty clean command print, fixed linter issue


  • updated Docs


Added command line options, Run npm commands

  • Added command line option to init config
  • Added command line option to run npm commands
  • Added command line option to list commands
  • Now user can execute npm commands using same batman run command


Simple command interface

  • Simplify command config
  • User can use command without any other parameters
  • Description in command using array
  • List commands- using batman list


Initial release- Stable woking module

  • fixed linter issue, added eslint
