
A better console for node.js in a terminal

log, console, logging, error, warn, line number, groups
npm install bconsole@1.0.0


bconsole - A better console for node.js

bconsole extends node.js's built in console with several additions:

  • Line number
  • Colorized! (togglable)
    • Warnings and Errors
    • Object logging (using util.inspect())
  • Groups
    • Toggle groups of logs/errors/warnings on or off dynamically
    • Truncate long group names when not enough room in prefix
  • Keeps start of all messages aligned on the same column
  • Options customizeable on the fly!



npm install bconsole

and then add

var bconsole = require('bconsole')({/* options */})

to your project.


The following output:


Is a result of the following code:

1   | // instantiate with custom options
2   | var bconsole = require("bconsole")({
3   |     pad_to: 18
4   | });
5   | 
6   | // Classic log/warn/error
7   | bconsole.log("Plain Log");
8   | bconsole.warn("Plain Warn");
9   | bconsole.error("Plain Error");
10  | 
11  | // Supports groups
12  | bconsole.toggleGroup(0);
13  | 
14  | bconsole.glog(0, "Logging from group 0");
15  | bconsole.gwarn(0, "Warning from group 0");
16  | bconsole.gerror(0, "Error from group 0");
17  | 
18  | bconsole.toggleGroup(0);
19  | 
20  | bconsole.glog(0, "Won't print");
21  | 
22  | // Groups can be strings too
23  | bconsole.toggleGroup("strings");
24  | 
25  | bconsole.glog('string', "Logging from group 'string'");
26  | bconsole.gwarn('string', "Warning from group 'string'");
27  | bconsole.gerror('string', "Error from group 'string'");
28  | 
29  | // Logs objects using util.inspect()
30  | bconsole.log({
31  |     test: 1,
32  |     test2: "str"
33  | });
34  | 
35  | // Supports multiline logs!
36  | bconsole.log("This log\nspans across\nthree lines")
37  | 
38  | // Groups with long names are truncated if there is not
39  | // enough room in the prefix
40  | bconsole.toggleGroup("123456789");
41  | bconsole.glog("123456789", "Big Group Log");
42  | 
43  | bconsole.log("Logging an array: ", [1, "2", function() {
44  |     return "3";
45  | }]);
46  | 
47  | // Toggle color on or off
48  | bconsole.warn("Warning with color!");
49  | bconsole.setOption("color", false);
50  | bconsole.warn("Warning without color!");
51  | 
52  | bconsole.setOption("color", true);
53  | 
54  | // Change options on the fly!
55  | bconsole.toggleGroup(123456);
56  | for (var i = 20; i >= 10; i--) {
57  |     bconsole.setOption("pad_to", i);
58  |     bconsole.glog(123456, "Pad to: " + i + " with group '123456'");
59  | }


138 | bconsole.log("Big Line Number Log")
139 | bconsole.glog("strings", "Big Line Number Log")


/* --------------- *
 * Logging Methods *
 * --------------- */

// Unconditional logging, will always fire

// Group based logging, will only fire if associated group is enabled
bconsole.glog("group_name", ..args) 
bconsole.gwarn("group_name", ..args)    
bconsole.gerror("group_name", ..args)   

/* -------------- *
 * Option Methods *
 * -------------- */

bconsole.toggleGroup("group_name", true|false)  // Set group "group_name" to true / false
                                                // If no state is given, will flip state of group
bconsole.setOption("option_name", setting)      // Change option to desired setting

Default Options

To override these options, when instantiating bconsole, pass is an object with any modified properties. To change properties after instantiation, use bconsole.setOption.

    pad_to: 16,             /* int  */ // The number of chars before " | "
    color: true,            /* bool */ // Enable ANSI Color codes in output
    groups: {               /* obj  */ // Enable / Disable multiple groups at instantiation
        "testgroup": true,  /* bool */

NOTE: groups is a special option that can only be passed in at instantiation! To change enabled groups after the fact, use bconsole.toggleGroup()



  • Added option to output all logs to stderr


  • Initial Release