
Blitz-js API connection module optimized for usage in browsers

api, nodejs, npm, pip, python
npm install blitz-js-query-browser@0.3.2



Connection packages to connect to Cubic API nodes. Choose your target platform from the available branches.

npm build dependencies


npm install cubic-client

Other Supported Platforms

Platform Install Description
python pip For usage in Python. Might have to enable HTTP explicitly since isn't that well maintained on python.


const Client = require('cubic-client')
const client = new Client()

cubic.get('/foo').then(res => console.log(res.body)) // bar


const Client = require('cubic-client')
const client = new Client({key: value})
Key Default Description
api_url 'http://localhost:3003/' URL of cubic API-Node to connect to
auth_url 'http://localhost:3030/' URL of cubic Auth-Node to authenticate with
namespace '/' namespace to connect to
user_key null User key obtained via Auth-Node registration
user_secret null User secret obtained via Auth-Node
ignore_limiter false Whether or not to disable the default rate limit adaptions. Disabling this only makes sense if you connect as a user who won't face rate limits. If you disable it anyway, expect all your requests to get blocked.


RESTful methods


Sends a GET request to the API-Node

Argument Description Default
url URL to request, without domain. e.g. /foo. None, body)

Sends a POST request to the API-Node

Argument Description Default
url URL to request, without domain. e.g. /foo. None
body Data to send to endpoint. Can be any data type. None

client.put(url, body)

Sends a PUT request to the API-Node

Argument Description Default
url URL to request, without domain. e.g. /foo. None
body Data to send to endpoint. Can be any data type. None

client.patch(url, body)

Sends a PATCH request to the API-Node

Argument Description Default
url URL to request, without domain. e.g. /foo. None
body Data to send to endpoint. Can be any data type. None

client.delete(url, body)

Sends a DELETE request to the API-Node

Argument Description Default
url URL to request, without domain. e.g. /foo. None
body Data to send to endpoint. Can be any data type. None


client.subscribe(endpoint, fn)

Subscribe to updates on a specific endpoint.

Argument Description Default
endpoint URL to listen for updates on, without domain. e.g. '/foo' None
fn Function to run when updates are received. Takes the new data as argument. None


client.login(user, secret)

Re-authorizes as a specific user at runtime. Usually users should be logged in through the constructor options.

Argument Description Default
user User id, equal to user_key when registering. None
secret User password, equal to user_secret when registering. None


Manually set the refresh token. This way user credentials needn't be exposed.

Argument Description Default
token refresh_token to use. None


Retrieve current refresh token. Will await any existing authentication process. Useful if the initial login can be done through user/pass but the refresh token needs to be stored for subsequent logins.


Manually set the access token. This will expire on the next refresh.

Argument Description Default
token access_token to use. None


Retrieve current access token. Will await any existing authentication process.

client.on(ev, fn)

Listens to specific event, then runs the given function with the received data

Argument Description Default
ev Event name. None
fn Function to execute on event trigger None

client.emit(ev, data)

Emits event via client to server

Argument Description Default
ev Event name. None
data Data to transmit. Can be any data type. None
