
local server (browser-sync) expansion pack for the cartridge project

gulp, dependency, cartridge, cartridge-module, cartridge-task
npm install cartridge-local-server@0.1.2


Cartridge local server Build Status

local-server expansion pack for Cartridge

To use this module, you will need cartridge-cli installed and have a cartridge project setup.

npm install cartridge-local-server --save-dev

By default this module does the following:

Alot of the browser-sync functionality is opt-in. By default the following are opt-in (including more), needing to be changed in the config file (explained below)

  • Syncing scrolling, clicks and form interactions
  • File watchers, injecting changes into the browser when detected.
  • Additional server config such as directory listing, rewrite rules and connections through a proxy.


Once installed, the config file task.local-server.js is created and stored in the _config directory in the root of your cartridge project.

The taskConfig object is passed straight to the browser-sync module during setup.

The baseDir config key tells browser-sync what directory to use as the server root. Browser syncing functionality itself has been set to opt-in by default, changing ghostMode to true will turn this on.

All available options can be found in the browser sync documentation


There is a single task including in this expansion pack:

Running gulp local-server will setup a browser-sync instance and open a browser when setup is completed. Unlike other cartridge expansion packs, this task is not included as part of the default or build task - with the server requiring to be run seperately to these tasks.


Commit message standards Commitizen friendly

Try and adhere as closely as possible to the Angular commit messages guidelines.

Commitizen is a command line tool which can help with this:

npm install -g commitizen

Now, simply use git cz instead of git commit when committing.


By default task.js and .js files within _config are linted using ESLint. These checks are run by travis and will fail the build if errors are found.

To manually check for errors run

npm run lint

If you are getting an error that you don't understand then try looking at the JSLint Error Explanations site or the ESLint rules page. The linting rules are in place for a reason. If you have a specific use case where you need to violate one then disable the linter in place rather than removing the rule. In addition leave a comment explaining the reasoning for disabling the linter.

/*eslint no-extend-native: "off"*/
// We are polyfilling native functionality for older browsers
if (!Element.prototype.addEventListener) {
	Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function (sEventType, fListener) {
/*eslint no-extend-native: "error"*/

If you add further JavaScript files to this module then please add them to the linting command defined in package.json.