
Mediametrie eStat streaming plugin for Clappr player.

clappr, estat, mediametrie, plugin, streaming
npm install clappr-estat-plugin@0.3.0


Clappr eStat streaming Plugin

Mediametrie eStat streaming plugin for Clappr video player.

This plugin use the eStat Javascript streaming tag library.


  • player events are not properly tracked on iOS with Safari if using "native" media controls. (VOD and Live with DVR)
  • Clappr version 0.3.0 or greater not yet supported


Add both Clappr and the plugin scripts to your HTML:

  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Then just add ClapprEstatPlugin into the list of core plugins of your player instance, and the options for the plugin go in the estatPlugin property as shown below.

var player = new Clappr.Player({
  source: "",
  plugins: {
    core: [ClapprEstatPlugin],
  estatPlugin: {
    eStatTagCfg: {
      streaming: {
        streamName: 'MyVideoTitle',
        streamGenre: 'MyVideoGenre',


eStatTagCfg required property is the eStatTag configuration object. For more details, read eStat streaming manual provided by Mediametrie.

Default plugin behaviour is to automatically update the following eStatTag configuration properties with these values :

  /* eStatTag automatically updated properties */
    measure: '*',            // value is set to 'streaming'
    streaming: {
      diffusion: '*',        // value is set according player playback type ('live', 'replay' or 'timeshifting')
      callbackPosition: '*', // value is the internal player position callback function
      playerName: '*',       // value is set to 'Clappr'
      playerVersion: '*',    // value is set to Clappr player version
      playerObject: '*',     // value is set to player container element
      pluginName: '*',       // value is set to 'clappr-estat-plugin'
      pluginVersion: '*',    // value is set to Clappr eStat streaming plugin version
      streamDuration: '*',   // value is set to video duration (if available, otherwise is not set)

The above configuration properties are not required, but can be overridden in eStatTagCfg plugin option.

Therefore, the minimal required plugin configuration is :

  /* [...] */
  estatPlugin: {
    eStatTagCfg: {
      streaming: {
        streamName: 'MyVideoTitle',
  /* [...] */

Clappr External Interface

The eStatStreamTag() method is added to Clappr player instance. This method return the eStatTag instance object associated to player.

var player = new Clappr.Player({
  source: "",
  plugins: {
    core: [ClapprEstatPlugin],
  estatPlugin: {
    eStatTagCfg: {
      streaming: {
        streamName: 'MyVideoTitle',

var tag = player.eStatStreamTag();

  levels: {
    level_1: 'foo',
    level_2: 'bar',

For more details about eStatTag object, read eStat streaming manual provided by Mediametrie.

Load another source without destroy player

Simply use Clappr player configure() method to load another source with new eStat tag configuration :

  source: "",
  estatPlugin: {
    eStatTagCfg: {
      streaming: {
        streamName: 'AnotherVideoTitle',


Install dependencies :

  yarn install

Start dev. HTTP server ( :

  yarn start