
Lightning fast TodoList

todo, add, list
npm install cli-todolist@1.0.2


CLI-Todo-App First Task (JavaScript Team R)

A simple CommandLine ToDo App to keep track of your schedule


run "npm install to install dependencies"

Dependencies Used

  1. Yargs: For Handling App commands
  2. Chalk.js: For Styling Command Line Outputs


  • The Todo app will come in Handy for developers who wants to keep track of activities while coding on the command Line Interface

  • The App has an Add, List, View, DeleteAll and remove feauture to aid and speed up efficiency

Commands for Todo App

  1. add / a [to add a new ToDo] e.g "node index.js a --title "Eat Breakfast""

  2. list / l [to list all ToDo entries] e.g "node index.js l"

  3. view / v [to view a single ToDo Entry] e.g "node index.js v --index i //(i is index number)"

  4. remove / r [to delete individual entry] e.g "node index.js r --index i //(i is index number)"

  5. deleteAll / d [to delete all ToDo Entries] e.g "node index.js d"

  6. toggle / t [To indicate task Completion] e.g "node index.js t --index i //(i is index number)"


  1. Akinleye Oyinbayode Peters Slack: @Oyinbayode

  2. Saheed Olajide Olayioye Slack: @ghaalib99