Command Line Argument Parser helper library.
- Written in Typescript.
npm install clunk
USAGE Example
import {clunk} from "clunk"
const {flags} = clunk()
console.log(`Cool ${}!`)
Then you could do
$ node index.js --cool beans
// outputs "Cool beans!"
Inputs are allowed
// $ node index.js start server --port 8080 ./src
const {inputs, flags} = clunk()
const [mainCommand, secondaryOption, targetPath] = inputs
if(mainCommand === "start") {
if (secondaryOption === "server) {
startServer(flags.port, targetPath)
Configs are highly suggested
Make the use of aliases quite more explicit. Aliases will work on there own without a config but its hard to tell when to take the next item or be a boolean.
import {Config, clunk} from "clunk"
const config: Config = {
time: {
type: Number,
alias: "t"
alpha: {
type: Boolean,
alias: "a"
bravo: {
type: String,
alias: "b"
const {inputs, flags} = clunk(config)
// $ node index.js image run -t 777 -a this-will-be-an-input -b this-is-a-flag
console.log({inputs, flags})
// {
// inputs: ["image", "run", "this-will-be-an-input"],
// flags: {t: 777, a: true b: "this-is-a-flag"}
// }
Docker CLI Example
Not that we are trying to rebuild docker or anything. But a command like this should work:
$ docker run -dit --rm --name react-boilerplate-app -p 8080:80 react-boilerplate-image
Here's an example config that would handle something like this
import {Config, clunk} from "clunk"
const config: Config = {
d: {type: Boolean},
i: {type: Boolean},
t: {type: Boolean},
rm: {type: Boolean},
name: {type: String},
port: {
type: String
alias: "p"
const {inputs, flags} = clunk(config)
console.log({inputs, flags})
Should look something like this:
"inputs": ["run", "react-boilerplate-image"],
"flags": {
"d": true,
"i": true,
"t": true,
"rm": true,
"name": "react-boilerplate-app",
"port": "8080:80"
Tested! Try the tests:
npm run test