
Utility to build an array of files from command line arguments

file, directory, parameter, argument, command
npm install command_line_files@1.3.3



Takes the command line parameters and bulds an array of filenames (including path), after validating that files actually exist. The wild cards are processed using Glob module.


Install with npm

npm install --save command_line_files
// Example 1: getFilesSync returns an array of filenames and directories
const clf = require('command_line_files');
files = clf.getFilesSync();
console.log("getFilesSync array: "+JSON.stringify(files));
// Example 2: getFilesSync passes an array of filenames to callback function
const clf = require('command_line_files');

clf.getFilesSync( (files) => {
	console.log("getFilesSync array 2: "+JSON.stringify(files));
	files.forEach( (file) => {
		console.log("getFilesSync for each: "+file);
// Example 3: processEachFile builds an array of filenames, 
//            and invokes the callback function for each file
const clf = require('command_line_files');

clf.processEachFile( (filename) => {
	console.log("processFiles: "+filename);

To improve logging control and to allow for better integration with other modules, introduced integration with primitive_logger See

This module uses "command_line_files" message type, so to enable its logs, "command_line_files" should be added to the list of active types.

Examples of using module with logging:

// Example 4 : Enabling "command_line_files" option in logger 
//             to make it print some diagnostics, while calling code
//             doesn't use logger
const clf = require('command_line_files');

clf.getFilesSync( {logger:{types:["command_line_files"]}}, (files) => {
	console.log("getFilesSync array 2: "+JSON.stringify(files));
	files.forEach( (file) => {
		console.log("getFilesSync for each: "+file);
// Example 5 : Calling code creates and uses logger and passes it over to CLF module. 
//             The "command_line_files" type is added specifically for CLF module use.
const lr = require('primitive_logger')
const clf = require('command_line_files');

var options = {
	logger: {
		types: ["command_line_files","info"],
		format: { 
			date: {show: true},
			type: {show: true}
	filesList: ["*"]
logger = new lr.Logger(options);
options.logger.instance = logger;

clf.processEachFile( options, (filename) => {
    logger.log("info", "Processing file: "+filename);

getFilesSync( [options], [callback] )

The function is synchronous. I didn't come up with async use case so far. By default, only existing files on the file system are included in returned array.

  • options {Object}
  • cb {Function}
    • err {Error | null}
    • matches {Array<String>} all valid filenames, passed in on command line or with option filesList

processEachFile( [options], [callback] )

  • options {Object}
  • cb {Function}
    • err {Error | null}
    • matches {String} a filename. The callback is invoked for each filename

Command line patterns

See Glob Primer for command line pattern matching rules.


  • options The options object can be passed in to all functions
    • logger - primitive_logger option definitions. See for details.
      • "command_line_files" message type is used by this module. If logger.instance is not set, the new instance will be created using logger options.
    • validate - when true, will make sure object exists on the local file system. Default: true
    • slice - can be used to identify how many command line parameters to skip. Default: 2 ("node" and your_script_name.js)
    • files - when true, will include valid filenames, assuming validate is true. Default: true
    • dirs - if true, will include valid directories, assuming validate is true. Default: false
    • scanDirs - when true and directory entered on command line, will recursively scan this directory for files and sub-directories, to include them into result set. Default: true
    • filesList - when provided, utility will use this list instead of looking for command line arguments.


Please only use forward-slashes in command line expressions.

Again, please see Glob documentation for explanations