
Common methods I use for nodejs projects

npm install common-fn-js@1.1.0



A collection of functions I often use in my node.js projects

I was tired of either rewriting this stuff, or keeping track of different files of different versions - so I figured I would group everything into one public place.

File I/O Methods

Method Name Description Signature
loadFile Reads file from given filename, returning promise of that file (STRING, STRING) -> PROMISE(*)
loadText Loads file as text, returning promise of read text (STRING) -> PROMISE(STRING)
loadJSON Loads file as JSON, returning promise of read JSON (STRING) -> PROMISE(JSON)
writeFile Write data to given filename using given encoding, returning a promise of the filename if successful (STRING, *, STRING) -> PROMISE(STRING)
writeText Writes text to given filename, returning promise of filename (STRING) -> PROMISE(STRING)
writeJSON Write JSON to given filename, returning promise of filename (STRING) -> PROMISE(STRING)
nameOfFile Returns filename without path or extension (STRING) -> PROMISE(STRING)
readDir Returns a promise for an array of paths for the given directory filepath (STRING) -> PROMISE([STRING])
fileStats Returns promise of file stats for the given filename (STRING) -> PROMISE(fs.Stats)
listFiles Returns an array of every file in every subdirectory of given directory filtered by optional file extension (STRING, STRING) -> PROMISE([STRING])

Functional Programming Methods

Method Name Description Signature
composeAll Transforms a list of unary functions into a single unary function ([FUNCTION]) -> FUNCTION
flatten Returns a single array of elements from an array that may contain other arrays ([[*]]) -> ([*])
assoc Binds the given property with the given value to the given object (STRING, *) -> (OBJECT) -> OBJECT
rassoc "Reverse" assoc operation; takes the object before binding identifier to value of given object (OBJECT) -> (STRING, *) -> OBJECT
foldObj Reduces the given object to the given accumulator using the given function (OBJECT, (ACC, KEY, VALUE, OBJECT) -> ACC, ACC) -> ACC

CLI Methods

Method Name Description Signature
VARGS Return promise of variable number of argument from command line ([STRING]) -> PROMISE({STRING:STRING})
log Prints value to console then returns value (*) -> *
err Prints value to error then returns value (*) -> *
execAsync Runs shell command, returning promise of result (STRING) -> PROMISE(STRING)

Time/Date Methods

Method Name Description Signature
Timer Finds the amount of time that's elapsed between a "start" DATE object and an "end" DATE object (DATE, DATE) -> TIMER
timeFormat Namespace for standarized time formatting methods OBJECT
timeFormat.appendZero Appends 0 to a month less than 10 STRING -> STRING
timeFormat.printDate Returns date formatted as mm-dd-yy (DATE) -> STRING
timeFormat.printTime Returns time formatted as hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds (DATE) -> STRING
timestamp Prints formatted timestamp as timeFormat.printDate|timeFormat.printTime (DATE) -> STRING

Parsing Methods

Method Name Description Signature
parseArray Recursively applies function to every element of an array, returning a result [a], (b, a, NUMBER, [a] -> b, b), b -> b
parseObj Recursively applies function to every property of an object, returning a result {x:y}, (b, y, x, {x:y}) -> b, b -> b