
Parses and evaluates expressions over the complex numbers

math, maths, mathematics, complex, evaluate, expression, parse, parsing
npm install complex-expression-parser@2.1.0


Complex Expression Parser

Complex Expression Parser parses mathematical expression strings over the field of complex numbers.


If you want to use it in a browser:

  • Just include es5/expression.js or es5/expression.min.js before your scripts.
  • Include a shim such as es6-shim if your target browser does not support common ES6 features such as extra methods on Array or Number.

For node.js just run

npm install complex-expression-parser

If you are running in an environment that supports ES6 then you may begin using Expression in your code using

import Complex from './es6/complex.js';
import Expression from './es6/expression.js';

ES6 environments can use the Complex and ComplexMath classes directly by importing their respective files.


Expression has a single method: evaluate.


Expression takes a single string as an argument to its constructor. This string should be a valid mathematical expression. Any symbol which is not known to the parser is interpreted as a variable. If the expression is not syntactically valid then the constructor throws an exception.

// Create an expression for the equation 2x^2 + 3x - i where i is the
// imaginary constant
const expression = new Expression('2x * x + 3x - i');


evaluate takes a single, optional dictionary of symbols and their values and returns the value of the expression as a Complex. If the expression has any unset variables then this method throws an exception.

const expression = new Expression('2x + i');

const valueA = expression.evaluate({'x': new Complex(2, 4)}); // valueA is 6 + 9i
const valueB = expression.evaluate({'x': 2}); // valueB is 4 + i
const noValue = expression.evaluate(); // throws exception

Naming Symbols

Symbols can be any number of alphabetic characters followed by any number of digits or can be a single Unicode character.

Example symbols:

  • x
  • yy
  • M104
  • \uD83D\uDE80

Example non-symbols:

  • i - Known constant
  • 2x - Interpreted as 2 * x
  • M104M - Interpreted as M104 * M
  • ☃☃ - Interpreted as ☃ * ☃
  • \uD83D\uDE80\uD83D\uDE80 - Interpreted as \uD83D\uDE80 * \uD83D\uDE80

Supported Functions and Constants


  • e: Euler's constant
  • i: The imaginary unit
  • pi: The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter



  • + (unary): The identity function
  • + (binary): Addition
  • - (unary): Negation
  • - (binary): Subtraction
  • *: Multiplication
  • /: Division


  • abs(x): The magnitude of x
  • arg(x): The phase of x
  • ceil(x): The ceiling of x
  • conj(x): The conjugate of x
  • exp(x): The exponential of x
  • floor(x): The floor of x
  • frac(x): The fractional part of x
  • imag(x): The imaginary part of x
  • ℑ(x): The imaginary part of x
  • lg(x): The log base 2 of x
  • ln(x): The natural log of x
  • log(base, x): The log base base of x
  • log10(x): The log base 10 of x
  • mod(x, y): x mod y
  • nint(x): The nearest integer of x
  • norm(x): The norm of x
  • pow(base, power): base raised to the power of power
  • real(x): The real part of x
  • ℜ(x): The real part of x
  • sqrt(x): The square root of x


  • arccos(x): The inverse cosine of x
  • arccosh(x): The inverse hyperbolic cosine of x
  • arccot(x): The inverse cotangent of x
  • arccoth(x): The inverse hyperbolic cotangent of x
  • arccsc(x): The inverse cosecant of x
  • arccsch(x): The inverse hyperbolic cosecant of x
  • arcsec(x): The inverse secant of x
  • arcsech(x): The inverse hyperbolic secant of x
  • arcsin(x): The inverse sine of x
  • arcsinh(x): The inverse hyperbolic sine of x
  • arctan(x): The inverse tangent of x
  • arctanh(x): The inverse hyperbolic tangent of x
  • cos(x): The cosine of x
  • cosh(x): The hyperbolic cosine of x
  • cot(x): The cotangent of x
  • coth(x): The hyperbolic cotangent of x
  • csc(x): The cosecant of x
  • csch(x): The hyperbolic cosecant of x
  • sec(x): The secant of x
  • sech(x): The hyperbolic secant of x
  • sin(x): The sine of x
  • sinh(x): The hyperbolic sine of x
  • tan(x): The tangent of x
  • tanh(x): The hyperbolic tangent of x


  • gamma(x): The gamma of x
  • Γ(x): The gamma of x


Submit a pull request and mail

Development should occur against the ES6 files. Build and test using

npm run prepare

All changes must include appropriate tests.


Complex Expression Parser is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license