
not ready

TV, Tizen, react-native, react, .NET Core
npm install create-react-native-tizen-app@0.0.1



React Native is an open source framework for building native apps with React.JS. It is supported in Android, iOS and Windows currently.

react-native-tizen-dotnet is a React Native framework for developer to build Tizen.NET apps on Tizen.
It provides the same fundamental UI components and user experience with Tizen native Apps. Also it provides a easy and fast debugging way with Hot Module Reloading feature.

Currently, react-native-tizen-dotnet based on react-native 0.42 and react-native-windows 0.42.

Components & APIs Documents

react-native-tizen-dotnet not realized all Components and APIs of react-native.
Detail reference to docs.

Source Code Directory Structure

├── Devtools/ - Development tool .
├── Docs/ - Components & APIs Documents.
├── Example/ - Example of react-native-tizen-dotnet App.
└── Framework/ - react-native-tizen-dotnet Framework.
    ├── react-native-tizen/ - JS Library.
    └── ReactNet/ - Native Framework based on .NET Code.


Getting Started

  • $ sudo npm i -g create-react-native-tizen-app
  • $ create-react-native-tizen-app myTizenApp
  • $ cd myTizenApp
  • $ vim package.json //change "tvip": "" to your Tv IP
  • $ yarn bundle // for release mode (npm run bundle)
  • $ yarn bundle --dev // for dev mode, js file not ugly (npm run bundle --dev)
  • $ yarn package // packaging tpk for Tizen (npm run package)
  • $ yarn launch // launch tpk to Tizen TV , Before launch you need run shell on tizen board (npm run launch)

Connect to TV

Refer to this website, Enable Developer Mode on the TV: