
Dimensional analysis and unit conversions

quantity, unit, attribute, dimension, dimensional, analysis, convert, conversion, metric, system, prefix, SI, imperial, node, npm
npm install dimensional@0.4.1


npm Publish

nicfv's public NPM packages in one repository

Developer Notes

  • Each package must have the following scripts
    • build
    • test
    • clean
    • Something to compile on npm publish
  • Each package must contain README.md and CHANGELOG.md
  • Each package must contain examples in examples/
    • Examples must be written in JavaScript
    • File name pattern must follow 123-Example-Name.ext
    • File extensions can be js, mjs, or cjs
    • Each example must have a corresponding 123-Example-Name.md documentation file that is shown above the example.
    • Follow the steps in pack to test the latest package updates before publishing to npm. This is required by the CI workflow.
    • Example directory must have its own clean script
  • Packages should contain a series of unit tests in src/test.ts which is executed on each build
  • Package descriptions containing ":" will be changed to ";"


cd $package
npm i
npm pack --pack-destination examples/
# .tgz file created in examples/
cd examples
npm i
node $example

Make sure that examples/package.json has an up-to-date dependency where the version number matches that of the main package.json file.