Draw images and shapes on the specified line segment

drawbetween, draw, canvas, line segment, shape, line, image, rect, circle
npm install drawbetween@1.0.1



A JavaScript library for drawing images and shapes on the specified line segment.

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npm install drawbetween
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const DrawBetween = require('drawbetween');

ES Module

import DrawBetween from 'drawbetween';

via CDN

<script scr="https://unpkg.com/drawbetween"></script>

Usage Example


<div id="canvas" style="width:300px; height:150px"></div>


const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas');
const draw = new DrawBetween(canvas);

// draw images between (0,0) and (250,0).
const imageUrl = 'YOUR_IMAGE_URL';
draw.images({x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 250, y: 0}, imageUrl);

// draw rects with default options.
draw.rects({x: 0, y: 40}, {x: 250, y: 40});

// draw cross marks with custom options.
draw.crossMarks({x: 10, y: 80}, {x: 260, y: 80}, {
  minInterval: 40,
  strokeColor: '#f00',
  strokeWidth: 3

// draw custom paths.
const drawer = (ctx, p) => {
  ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  ctx.fillStyle = '#0af';
draw.withDrawer({x: 10, y: 110}, {x: 260, y: 110}, drawer, {
  minInterval: 35




new DrawBetween(targetDiv)

Create a new DrawBetween object.

  • targetDiv: Element - a reference to <div> to be drawn.

line(p0, p1, options)

Draw a straight line between p0 and p1.

  • p0: {x: number, y: number} - a start point of line.
  • p1: {x: number, y: number} - an end point of line.
  • options:
    • width: number - line width. <default: 1>
    • strokeColor: string - line color. <default: '#000'>
    • lineDash: number[] - distances to alternately draw a line and a gap. See CanvasRenderingContext2D.setLineDash() for details. <default: [0, 0]>

images(p0, p1, imageUrl, options)

Draw images on the specified line segment.

  • p0: {x: number, y: number} - a start point of the line segment.
  • p1: {x: number, y: number} - an end point of the line segment.
  • imageUrl: string - a full URL of image to draw.
  • options:
    • width: 'original' | number - image width. <default: 'original'>
    • height: 'original' | number - image height. <default: 'original'>
    • rotate: 'auto' | number - rotation andgle in radians. <default: 'auto'>
    • minInterval: number - minimum spacing between adjacent images. <default: 0>
    • borderColor: string - border color of image. <default: '#000'>
    • borderWidth: number - border width of image. <default: 0>

rects(p0, p1, options)

Draw rectangles on the specified line segment.

  • p0: {x: number, y: number} - a start point of the line segment.
  • p1: {x: number, y: number} - an end point of the line segment.
  • options:
    • width: number - rectangle width. <default: 20>
    • height: number - rectangle height. <default: 20>
    • rotate: 'auto' | number - rotation andgle in radians. <default: 'auto'>
    • minInterval: number - minimum spacing between adjacent rectangles. <default: 0>
    • strokeColor: string - stroke color of rectangle. <default: '#000'>
    • strokeWidth: number - stroke width of rectangle. <default: 0>
    • fillColor: string - fill color of rectangle. <default: '#000'>

circles(p0, p1, options)

Draw circles on the specified line segment.

  • p0: {x: number, y: number} - a start point of the line segment.
  • p1: {x: number, y: number} - an end point of the line segment.
  • options:
    • radius: number - circle radius. <default: 10>
    • minInterval: number - minimum spacing between adjacent circles. <default: 0>
    • strokeColor: string - stroke color of circle. <default: '#000'>
    • strokeWidth: number - stroke width of circle. <default: 0>
    • fillColor: string - fill color of circle. <default: '#000'>

crossMarks(p0, p1, options)

Draw cross marks on the specified line segment.

  • p0: {x: number, y: number} - a start point of the line segment.
  • p1: {x: number, y: number} - an end point of the line segment.
  • options:
    • lineLength: number - line length of cross mark. <default: 20>
    • rotate: 'auto' | number - rotation andgle in radians. <default: 'auto'>
    • minInterval: number - minimum spacing between adjacent cross marks. <default: 0>
    • strokeColor: string - stroke color of cross mark. <default: '#000'>
    • strokeWidth: number - stroke width of cross mark. <default: 0>

triangles(p0, p1, options)

Draw triangles on the specified line segment.

  • p0: {x: number, y: number} - a start point of the line segment.
  • p1: {x: number, y: number} - an end point of the line segment.
  • options:
    • edgeLength: number - edge length of triangle. <default: 20>
    • rotate: 'auto' | number - rotation andgle in radians. <default: 'auto'>
    • minInterval: number - minimum spacing between adjacent triangles. <default: 0>
    • strokeColor: string - stroke color of triangle. <default: '#000'>
    • strokeWidth: number - stroke width of triangle. <default: 0>
    • fillColor: string - fill color of triangle. <default: '#000'>

withDrawer(p0, p1, drawer, options)

Draw specified paths on the specified line segment.

  • p0: {x: number, y: number} - a start point of the line segment.
  • p1: {x: number, y: number} - an end point of the line segment.
  • drawer: ((ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, p: {x: number, y: number}) => void) - drawing function.
  • option:
    • minInterval: number - minimum spacing between adjacent paths. <default: 0>


Clear all drawings of the instance.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.