
Compare values using opertaros like mongodb

mongodb, compare, json, comparator, function, operator, values
npm install easy-compare@0.0.5


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This library is a way to execute comparison with a JSON pre-defined. It is using the same pattern of Mongodb operators.


$ npm install --save easy-compare


A simple example:

const easy = require('easy-compare');

const operator = {
    $and: {
        $lt: 20,
        $gt: 10

console.log(easy.compare(15, operator)); //true
console.log(easy.compare(9, operator)); //false
console.log(easy.compare(30, operator)); //false


compare(value, operator)


The dynamic value that needs to be compared


A Object with information to check if the value is correct.

Ps: operator accept only one field in the object, if you need to use more than one operator you need to insert these operators inner the $and or $or field.

Operator properties

  • Comparison Operators
Value Description
$eq Verify if the value is Equal
$ne Verify if the value is not Equal
$gt Verify if the value is Greater Than
$gte Verify if the value is Greater Than or Equal
$lt Verify if the value is Less Than
$lte Verify if the value is Less Than or Equal
$in Verify if the value is include in array or string
$nin Verify if the value is not include in array or string
$size Verify if the value is the same size
$nsize Verify if the value is not the same size
$regex Verify if the regex find a match
$nregex Verify if the regex not find a match
  • Logical Operators
Value Description
$and Operator to check more than one value with the AND logic
$or Operator to check more than one value with the OR logic
$all Operator execute the same the all (just a alias)
$not Operator to check if all operator is false


const easy = require('easy-compare');

//Comparison Operators

// $eq
console.log('$eq -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare(1, { $eq: 1 }));
console.log('$eq -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare(1, { $eq: 2 }));

console.log('$ne -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare(1, { $ne: 2 }));
console.log('$ne -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare(1, { $ne: 1 }));

console.log('$gt -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare(10, { $gt: 5 }));
console.log('$gt -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare(1, { $gt: 5 }));

console.log('$gte -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare(1, { $gte: 1 }));
console.log('$gte -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare(1, { $gte: 2 }));

console.log('$lt -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare(1, { $lt: 10 }));
console.log('$lt -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare(10, { $lt: 5 }));

console.log('$lte -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare(10, { $lte: 10 }));
console.log('$lte -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare(10, { $lte: 5 }));

console.log('$in -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $in: 10 }));
console.log('$in -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $in: 5 }));

console.log('$nin -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $nin: 5 }));
console.log('$nin -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $nin: 10 }));

console.log('$size -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $size: 3 }));
console.log('$size -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $size: 5 }));

console.log('$nsize -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $nsize: 5 }));
console.log('$nsize -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare([10, 2, 3], { $nsize: 3 }));

console.log('$regex -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare('123', { $regex: '^[0-9]+' }));
console.log('$regex -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare('asd', { $regex: '^[0-9]+' }));

//Logical operators

//$and - ps: $all and $and are the same
console.log('$and -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare('123', {
    $and: {
        $regex: '^[0-9]+',
        $gt: 100
console.log('$and -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare('13a', {
    $and: {
        $regex: '^[0-9]+',
        $gt: 100

console.log('$all -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare('123', {
    $all: {
        $regex: '^[0-9]+',
        $gt: 100
console.log('$all -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare('13a', {
    $all: {
        $regex: '^[0-9]+',
        $gt: 100

console.log('$or -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare('123', {
    $or: {
        $regex: '^[0-9]+',
        $gt: 100
console.log('$or -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare('13', {
    $or: {
        $regex: '^[0-9]+',
        $gt: 100
console.log('$or -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare('13', {
    $or: {
        $regex: '^[a-z]+',
        $gt: 100

console.log('$not -', 'Have to be true:', easy.compare([35, 40, 50], { $not: { $in: 45 } }));
console.log('$not -', 'Have to be false:', easy.compare([35, 40, 50], {
  $not: {
    $in: 35,
    $and: {
      $in: 40