Elysion is a coding language made to compile implicit yet readable code to pure, modern JavaScript. Since Elysion is just a compiler for JavaScript, it can handle and compile expressions of both languages.
This package is still under development, and is not recommended to be used in production. Some parts of JavaScript are still not supported.
MyTypes as '', 1, false, null, foo: \bar
for index, value in MyTypes
_type = typeof value
console.log `${_type} value at #${index}`
JavaScript output
let MyTypes, index, value, _type, _j;
MyTypes = ['', 1, false, null, { foo: "bar" }];
for (index in (_j = MyTypes)) {
value = _j[index];
_type = typeof value;
console.log(`${_type} value at #${index}`);
With Node.js
# for local development...
npm install --save-dev elysion
# if you'd like to use 'els' command globally...
npm install -g elysion
Command Line Interface
# with `.elsconfig`
# compile a file manually
els -c path/to/file.els
# compile a directory
els -c path/to/folder path/to/destination
On Node.js
const Elysion = require('elysion');
// prints "hello('world!');"
Elysion.compile("hello 'world!'").output
// ---------
// parse an ELSON file
var elson = require('fs')
.readFileSync('path/to/.elson', { encoding: 'utf-8' });
Structure of a (.elsconfig
has the syntax of an .elson
Do not place newlines between properties, or the file will be treated as an array.
sourceDir: 'path/to/folder'
# or...
sourceRoot: 'path/to/root' # optional
# -----
# whether you want a source map to be generated
sourceMaps: yes or no
# whether to place the source map as a data URI
# or generate a '.js.map' file containing the map
inlineMap: yes or no
# the output directory for all scripts
# use '@' for same directory
outDir: 'path/to/destination'
# the extension of the output files
# if .elson, the output will be .json
# set to '.els.js' by default
outExtension: '.js'
# -----------------
# --- For TypeScript support (still working on it)
# -----------------
# whether the output will be a TypeScript file
# (only for files containing typed expressions)
preserveTS: yes or no
# skip all diagnostics if there's any
# if false, the file will not be compiled
# if there's any error
omitDiagnostics: yes or no