CLI for @znetstar/encode-tools-native

npm install encode-cli@1.3.1



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Encode CLI is a CLI wrapper for the @znetstar/encode-tools-native npm package. Each of the subcommands map directly to a function on the EncodeTools class in @znetstar/encode-tools-native and retain same arguments.

All subcommands can be accessed using the encli command,

For example, the EncodeTools.hash function can be called as follows

  echo 'hash me!' | npx encode-cli hash -a md5 -f base64

Which is equivalent to

(async () => {
  const enc = new (require('@znetstar/encode-tools-native/lib/EncodeTools').EncodeTools)();
  const buf = await enc.hash('hash me!', 'md5');


I've provided two Docker images with encode-cli installed. znetstar/encode-cli which is based on ubuntu:20.10 and Node.js 14 from the NodeSource PPA, and znetstar/encode-cli:slim which is based off of node:14-slim.

The former includes the native modules (discussed in the section below), and the latter does not and is 3 times smaller.

Example using Docker

  echo 'hash me!' | docker run --rm -i znetstar/encode-cli hash -a md5 -f base64


Two deviations from the library exist to better accommodate the command line.

First, input and output can be directed to/from a file or standard input/output. Second, the output of each command can be re-encoded as any format accepted by encodeBuffer using the -f flag.

The serializeObject, deseralizeObject, encodeObject and decodeObject methods have been replaced with a single convertObject method, because the original methods don't make sense in the context of a command line tool.


The defaults which are passed to the constructor of EncodeTools are those found in DEFAULT_ENCODE_TOOLS_OPTIONS which the exception being the default binaryEncoding which is nodeBuffer instead of base64.

You can set the defaults for each value in EncodingOptions by setting an environment variable prefixed with ENCLI_ and the name of property in uppercase with underscores instead of camel case.

So to set EncodingOptions.binaryEncoding = "base64url" you can use ENCLI_BINARY_ENCODING=base64url.

Alternatively, you can set all the defaults at once by adding a JSON file at ./.enclirc, $HOME/.enclirc, or by setting the ENCLIRC environment variable to the path of the JSON file.

The defaults can also be passed by setting the environment variable ENCLIRC with raw JSON containing the defaults.


For documentation refer to the @znetstar/encode-tools-native documentation, all subcommands accept the --help argument which will print the required syntax.


This project is licensed under the GNU LGPL-3.0 a copy of which is located in LICENSE.txt.