
Add folder and file comparison method's to node fs module with promises

byte, byte-to-byte, compare, directory, different, file, folder, equal, hash, hex, sha512
npm install enfscompare-promise@1.0.0


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Module that add compare functionality to to node fs module with promises

This module is intended to work as a sub-module of enfs


This module will add a method that allows the comparison of files and folders.

  • This module will add following methods to node fs module:
    • files
    • filesHash
    • filesSync
    • filesHashSync
    • dir
    • dirHash
    • dirSync
    • dirHashSync
    • filesP
    • filesHashP
    • dirP
    • dirHashP



    const enfscompare = require("enfscompare-promise");


All the methods follows the node culture.

  • Async: Every async method returns an Error in the first callback parameter
  • Sync: Every sync method throws an Error.

Additional Methods



  • files(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • filesSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files in a byte-to-byte form


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • chunkSize (Number) - the size in bytes used to read files and verify equality default to (async: ReadStream._readableState.highWaterMark, sync: 8192)
    enfscompare.files("/home/name/file.txt", "/home/name/file.txt", function(err, result){
            console.log("File is equal");



  • dir(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • dirSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files in a byte-to-byte form


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • chunkSize (Number) - the size in bytes used to read files and verify equality default to (async: ReadStream._readableState.highWaterMark, sync: 8192)
    enfscompare.dir("/home/name", "/home/another_folder_name", function(err, result){
            console.log("Directories are equal");



  • filesHash(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • filesHashSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files with an hash NOTE: This method can't correctly tell you that the files are equal, but can tell you if they are different


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • hash (String) - the type of hash to use in comparison, default to 'sha512'
  • encoding (String) - the type of hash encoding used to compare the files, default to 'hex'
  • chunkSize (String) - the size in bytes used to read files default 8192 (Only in sync method)
    const result = enfscompare.filesHashSync("/home/name/file.txt","/home/name/file.txt");
        console.log("File is equal");



  • dirHash(path1, path2, [options], callback)
  • dirHashSync(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files with an hash NOTE: This method can't correctly tell you that the files are equal, but can tell you if they are different


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • hash (String) - the type of hash to use in comparison, default to 'sha512'
  • encoding (String) - the type of hash encoding used to compare the files, default to 'hex'
  • chunkSize (String) - the size in bytes used to read files default 8192 (Only in sync method)
    const result = enfscompare.filesHashSync("/home/name","/home/another_folder_name");
        console.log("Folders are equal");


  • filesP(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files in a byte-to-byte form


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • chunkSize (Number) - the size in bytes used to read files and verify equality default to (async: ReadStream._readableState.highWaterMark, sync: 8192)
    enfscompare.filesP("/home/name/file.txt", "/home/name/file.txt").then(function(result){
            console.log("File is equal");


  • dirP(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files in a byte-to-byte form


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • chunkSize (Number) - the size in bytes used to read files and verify equality default to (async: ReadStream._readableState.highWaterMark, sync: 8192)
    enfscompare.dirP("/home/name", "/home/another_folder_name").then(function(result){
            console.log("Directories are equal");


  • filesHash(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files with an hash NOTE: This method can't correctly tell you that the files are equal, but can tell you if they are different


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • hash (String) - the type of hash to use in comparison, default to 'sha512'
  • encoding (String) - the type of hash encoding used to compare the files, default to 'hex'
  • chunkSize (String) - the size in bytes used to read files default 8192 (Only in sync method)
            console.log("File is equal");


  • dirHash(path1, path2, [options])

Compare files with an hash NOTE: This method can't correctly tell you that the files are equal, but can tell you if they are different


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks listing the items to where it points (default: false)
  • hash (String) - the type of hash to use in comparison, default to 'sha512'
  • encoding (String) - the type of hash encoding used to compare the files, default to 'hex'
  • chunkSize (String) - the size in bytes used to read files default 8192 (Only in sync method)
            console.log("Folders are equal");


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Copyright (c) 2016 Joao Parreira joaofrparreira@gmail.com GitHub

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit CC-BY-4.0.