
Easier access to the enrich-github API

enrich-github, github
npm install enrich-github@1.0.6



NPM module which makes it easy to work with enrich-github.

At the moment, enrich github supports the following 3 APIs. Open issues on this repository, for other features you would like to see.


Get a token for enrich github by going to enrichgithub.com.

Instantiate enrichgithub with your token and repo name

const EnrichGithub = require('enrich-github');

const token = process.env.ENRICH_GITHUB_TOKEN;
const repo = roopakv/node-enrich-github;
const enrichGithub = new EnrichGithub(token, repo);

All methods take in an options object. The structure of each API is described below.


This is used to add a commit on github. Currently this method supports adding only one file change at a time.

A commit may either be added to an existing branch, or a new branch can be branched off of an existing branch.

await enrichGithub.addCommit({
  file_path: 'lib/README.md',
  file_content: 'The new contents for lib/README.md',
  message: 'The commit message',
  branch: 'roopakv/sample', // The branch this commit will be added to
  create_branch: true, // Deafaults to false.
  base: 'master' // needed only if create_branch is true


Opens a pull request on github.

await enrichGithub.openPR({
  title: 'The title of the PR',
  branch: 'roopakv/sample',
  body: 'The body for the PR' // optional
  base: 'master' // defaults to master.


This works with github check runs API. This API is pretty much a pass thru to the github check runs api, and all that enrich github does here is makes hitting this API eaiser.

Read about the post checks endpoint here

await enrichGithub.postCheck({
  post_body: {
    name: ...
    head_sha: ...,
    details_url: ...