Loads environment variables from JSON files into process.env and supports shared environments.

entor, env, .env, environment, variables, config, configuration, settings
npm install entor@1.1.0



entor package size

entor loads environment variables from a JSON file into process.env.

  • 🚀 Easy JSON configuration
  • ⚪️ Zero dependencies
  • 💪 Flexibility
  • 🎎 Shared environment between all your projects
  • 🔨 Generates examples automatically

Table of contents

Example without any config

// entor.prod.json
	"db_url": "prod://url",
	"username": "prod"
// index.js

🏃‍♂️ Run

node ./index.js --env=prod

Entor will load entor.prod.json into process.env.

// process.env
	"db_url": "prod://url",
	"user": "prod"

Note Each value in process.env is converted to string by Node.


const env = require("entor")({config});
//     ↑ entor will always return env object

  • getEnv function:
    • Function that receives as argument the object with process arguments (--key=value{key: value}) that must return a string containing the env.
    • Default: args => args.env.

  • env string: Defines the environment type. This will take precedence over getEnv.

  • path string: Defines the path where will look for the file entor.<env>.json. Default ./.

  • sharedEnvPath string: Defines the file path where a .json will be loaded.

  • override object: object that will be merged with the content of entor.<env>.json.

  • warningLevel "none" | "message" | "throw":
    • "none" will ignore all non-critical errors.
    • "message" will print all errors but will never throws.
    • "throw" will print all errors, throws on critical errors.

  • addToProcessEnv boolean: Default true. If true adds the entor.<env>.json content to the process.env object.

  • syncExamples boolean: Default false. If true syncs the entor.<env>.json file with the entorExample.<env>.json file.

Override priority

  1. override will override ↓
  2. env will override ↓
  3. sharedEnvPath (This is the first file that will be loaded)


Custom arguments

// index.js
	getEnv: args => args.myCustomEnv,

🏃‍♂️ Run

node ./index.js --myCustomEnv=local


// entor.prod.json
	"db_url": "prod://url",
	"username": "prod"
// index.js
	override: {
		db_url: "override://url"

🏃‍♂️ Run

node ./index.js --env=prod

Entor will load entor.prod.json into process.env and apply the override.

// process.env values:
	db_url: "override://url",
	username: "prod"

Shared env

// entor.prod.json (located at the parent folder)
	"db_url": "shared://url",
// entor.prod.json (located at project folder)
	"username": "prod"
// index.js
	sharedEnvPath: "C:/parentFolder/",

🏃‍♂️ Run

node ./index.js --env=prod

Entor will merge entor.prod.json (shared) with prod.entor.json (project) and write into process.env.

// process.env values:
	db_url: "shared://url",
	username: "prod"

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