
A thin Node.js wrapper around Eric Radman's entr (http://entrproject.org), a cross-platform file-watcher that runs on Linux, OS X and BSD.

reload, file-watcher, watch, filesystem, bin
npm install entr-bin@0.0.1



A thin Node.js wrapper around Eric Radman's entr (http://entrproject.org), a cross-platform file-watcher that runs on Linux, OS X and BSD.

The most comprehensive usage examples and other help are on that site; a short summary follows:


$ npm install --save-dev entr-bin


Entr handles many cases, but it's usage can be... finicky. It intentionally exits when a file it's watching is removed, and it requires an additional -d option to track adding files.

The man page has some simple examples (paraphrased):

$ ENTR=node_modules/.bin/entr

# Run "make all" after these files have changed:
$ ls -d * | $ENTR make all

# Auto-reload an app if any JS file in the src/ tree changes:
$ find src/ | $ENTR -r node app.js

# Clear the screen and run an SQL script when it's updated:
$ ls my.sql | $ENTR -p psql -f my.sql

Realistically, though, you'll want to be doing something like this:

# Run "make all" when any JS file is added to, removed from, or updated in the src/ tree:
$ ENTR=node_modules/.bin/entr
$ false; while [ $? -gt 0 ]; do find src -name "*.js" | $ENTR -d make all; done


The original entr source, and this bin wrapper, are under ISC-style licenses. See the LICENSE file for more detailed information on the license, and the license used for compatibility libraries.