
Wizard-like command line interface to interact with eos blockchain

eos, eosio
npm install eosjs-cli@0.1.1



A wizard-like command line user interface on top of eosjs to help developers and users quickly learn-by-example and test commands on the eosio blockchain

Notice: This package is intended to be used for development and testing purposes (testnet) and for with real accounts



npm install eosjs-cli -g


Run the following command to open the menu:

~$ eosjs-cli

Available Commands

1. Configuration options

View the selected configuration options Example:

  chainId: 'e70aaab8997e1dfce58fbfac80cbbb8fecec7b99cf982a9444273cbc64c41473',
  httpEndpoint: 'https://jungle2.cryptolions.io:443',
  expireInSeconds: 60,
  verbose: true,
  broadcast: true,
  sign: true,
  logger: {
    log: null,
    error: null

2. Network information

See the current eos network info Example output:

  server_version: '7c0b0d38',
  chain_id: 'e70aaab8997e1dfce58fbfac80cbbb8fecec7b99cf982a9444273cbc64c41473',
  head_block_num: 53374634,
  last_irreversible_block_num: 53374311,
  last_irreversible_block_id: '032e6d679704490e5c4c436f7421bd976e5e2496885efdd7f564b62f7397ff41',
  head_block_id: '032e6eaad971117556ce5c02447b573770c998d0183f7e9abeca0fb2f2756e07',
  head_block_time: '2019-10-06T16:17:18.000',
  head_block_producer: 'batinthedark',
  virtual_block_cpu_limit: 200000000,
  virtual_block_net_limit: 524288000,
  block_cpu_limit: 199900,
  block_net_limit: 524288,
  server_version_string: 'v1.8.4',
  fork_db_head_block_num: 53374634,
  fork_db_head_block_id: '032e6eaad971117556ce5c02447b573770c998d0183f7e9abeca0fb2f2756e07'

3. List accounts

List all user's account created from this wallet.l Example output:

    name: 'xhjvlcstzqxc',
    privateKey: '5KGcm4CLZxQhtVjwMp2pnhPNK29KLLABGX8MGCbqDMX7efh8Jir',
    pubkey: 'EOS7EhDXZjc1tUsh6W2J2BwmM6YuFK8YQ3K3wQUGggqs5vzED2cPC',
    balance: [
      '92.9230 EOS',
      '100.0000 JUNGLE'
    name: 'nagiwtrijaql',
    privateKey: '5JP3H4hdgiMFWBb3Tbi8YnjUtrkFVn3HiVtzY9u1FJk4CYn8yyM',
    pubkey: 'EOS5NotdeSXke7RTNohwyyHdRBhk7CQAhLtBzsENsoMrVKEh8DhPU',
    balance: [
      '215.0000 JUNGLE'

4. Create account

This command will guide you step-by-step to create a new account on the blockchain, and will request the necessary info required to create an account on eosio. It will autogenerate public/private keys, autofill with suggested eosio names for faster testing.

In case of an error it will show you the error directly from the blockchain. On succesfull creation it will save the accounts in the local list.

Successfull account creation response:

  name: 'wydnacwatlrp',
  creator: 'xhjvlcstzqxc',
  owner: 'EOS7EhDXZjc1tUsh6W2J2BwmM6YuFK8YQ3K3wQUGggqs5vzED2cPC',
  active: 'EOS7EhDXZjc1tUsh6W2J2BwmM6YuFK8YQ3K3wQUGggqs5vzED2cPC'

5. Remove account (locally)

Remove an account from the local list.

6. Account information

Will retrieve account information from the blockchain

7. Account actions

Will retrieve account history from the blockchain

8. Transfer funds

Flow to transfer funds to another account

9. Balances

Check for available token balances of an account

10. Issue tokens

Issue a new token. Will deploy the eosio.token contract on the blockchain and will transfer the values to the selected issuer account.

11. Buy RAM

12. Sell RAM

13. Get currency stats

14. Get currency stats

15. Get contract code

16. Set contract code

17. Delegate bandwidth (stake)