
ESDoc plugin that copies documentation from async methods to their sync versions

npm install esdoc-plugin-async-to-sync@0.5.0



This plugin copies documentation from the async version of methods to their sync equivalent, so that you don't have to write the same documentation twice constantly.

For example:

 * Gets a file from disk.
 * @param {string} file The path to the file
 * @return {Promise<string>} The contents of the file
async function get(file) {

function getSync(file) {

Now becomes to ESDoc as if you had written:

 * Gets a file from disk.
 * @param {string} file The path to the file
 * @return {Promise<string>} The contents of the file
async function get(file) {

 * Gets a file from disk.
 * @param {string} file The path to the file
 * @return {string} The contents of the file
function getSync(file) {

Documentation substitution occurs if:

  1. The method name ends in 'Sync'
  2. There is a method with the same name sans-'Sync'
  3. The sync method doesn't have documentation and the async one does

How does this work?

npm install the package, then add it to your esdoc.json:

  // Other stuff...

  "plugins": [
    {"name": "esdoc-plugin-async-to-sync"}

  // More stuff

Does this handle callbacks?

Ugh no, PRs welcome