
ESLint shareable config for Vast's JavaScript coding standards

eslint, eslint-config, vast
npm install eslint-config-vast@1.6.0



ESLint shareable config Vast's JavaScript coding standards

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This config can be used for linting server-side and client-side JavaScript.

If you are using React, extend this config with eslint-config-vast-react to add support for React's specific JSX syntax, and to add additional checks for React, JSX, and accessibility.


npm install eslint-config-vast --save-dev


For Node.js environment (ES6):

Create .eslintrc file in the root of your project with the following settings:

    "extends": "eslint-config-vast",
    "rules": {
        // Your overrides...

For browser environment with ES6/ES7/ES8 to ES5 transpiler:

Create an additional .eslintrc file in a client-side code folder (e.g. client/.eslintrc) with the following settings:

    "env": {
        "browser": true
    "parserOptions": {
        "sourceType": "module",
        "ecmaVersion": 8
    "globals": {
        "GLOBAL1": false,
        "GLOBAL2": false

For browser environment without ES6/ES7/ES8 to ES5 transpiler:

Create an additional .eslintrc file in a client-side code folder (e.g. client/.eslintrc) with the following settings:

    "env": {
        "browser": true,
        "es6": false
    "globals": {
        "GLOBAL1": false,
        "GLOBAL2": false
    "rules": {
        // Disable es6-related rules for es5 environment
        "object-shorthand": 0,
        "prefer-arrow-callback": 0,
        "prefer-template": 0,
        "prefer-spread": 0,
        "prefer-rest-params": 0

Setting up ESLint

If you haven’t already set up ESLint on your project, run:

npm install eslint --save-dev

Add scripts to package.json (remember to change paths):

"scripts": {
    "lint:js": "eslint app tests *.js --ext .js --ext .jsx --ignore-pattern 'js/vendor'",
    "lint:js:fix": "npm run eslint -- --fix",

Run npm run lint:js to lint the code.

Run npm run lint:js:fix to automatically fix as many issues as possible. Another way to autoformat the code is with the editor plugin, such as ESLint-Formatter for Sublime Text.

To add a Git pre-commit hook for ESLint, run:

npm install pre-commit --save-dev

...and add this to package.json:

"pre-commit": [

Tip: For real-time linting in your text editor, see ESLint integrations for editors. In order to use this config in editor, you'll have to install ESLint and all dependencies globally (with -g flag).

Tip: You can create a personal configuration file in your home directory (~/.eslintrc), it will only be used if no other configuration files are found. See Configuration Cascading and Hierarchy.


Other configs


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