
Event-emitting asyncronous directory walker.

walkdir, fs, walk, directory, eventemitter
npm install ewalkdir@1.3.0



Node.js event-emitting asynchronous directory walking.


All the files under your homedir:

const ewalkdir = require('ewalkdir');
const dir = require('os').homedir();
const walker = ewalkdir(dir)
.on('file', ({dir,/* path,*/ stats, relTop}) => {
  console.log('dir', dir, stats);
.on('symboliclink', ({dir,/* path,*/ stats, relTop}) => {
  console.log('symboliclink', dir, stats)


Can be set by ewalkdir({key: value})

  • dir and/or dirs: string or array of strings pointing to directories to scan.
  • depth: number (default Infinity); defines what depth to explore to.
  • relTop: string (default "/"); relative path to top scan, included in all events except ready.
  • readlinks/followLinks/followSymlinks: boolean (default false); follow symbolic links. Subitems will emit as if it were a directory, with the exception of the {dir, path = dir} attributes which will be completely different; but will follow the same {relTop} attribute.
  • keepFound: boolean (default false); keeps data in a Map under this.foundItems.
  • no: regex (default /^(node_modules|\..*)$/g); filter; returns true on no.test if not to be scanned.
  • emitDefault: boolean (default true); sets default for all emitters.
  • emit*: boolean (default emitDefault); see Events below.


  • ready emitted before beginning directory walking and emitting of data.
  • walk emitted every walked item.
  • file (if fs.Stats.isFile(), controlled by option emitFiles)
  • dir (if fs.Stats.isDirectory(), controlled by option emitDirectorys)
  • blockdevice (if fs.Stats.isBlockDevice(), controlled by option emitBlockDevices)
  • characterdevice (if fs.Stats.isCharacterDevice(), controlled by option emitCharacterDevices)
  • symboliclink (if fs.Stats.isSymbolicLink(), controlled by option emitSymbolicLinks)
  • fifo (if fs.Stats.isFIFO(), controlled by option emitFIFOs, First In First Out/"Queue")
  • socket (if fs.Stats.isSocket(), controlled by option emitSockets)

Event structure

All events, excluding ready and walk, attach a {dir, path = dir, stats, relTop} event, documenting the {dir, path} to the item, {stats} is an fs.Stats object and relTop is a HTTP relative path if a server was based on it.

Event ready emits no data.

Event walk emits {dir, path = dir, depth, relTop} regardless.


Current usecases involve:

  • Finding and/or hashing a large amount of files in several seconds.
  • Mapping a directory into many stat instances.