
fast excel formula parser

excel, formula, spreadsheet, javascript, js, parser, excel-formula, evaluator, excel-formulas, formula-parser, interpreter
npm install fast-formula-parser@1.0.19


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A Fast Excel Formula Parser

This project is under development.

Aim to be the fastest and the most reliable excel formula parser in javascript. Using LL(1) parser.



Grammar Diagram


Inspired by XLParser and the paper "A Grammar for Spreadsheet Formulas Evaluated on Two Large Datasets" by Efthimia Aivaloglou, David Hoepelman and Felienne Hermans.

Note: The grammar in my implementation is different from theirs. My implementation gets rid of ambiguities to boost the performance.

What is not supported:

  • External reference
    • Anything with [ and ]
  • Ambiguous old styles
    • Sheet name contains :, e.g. SUM('1003:1856'!D6)
    • Sheet name with space that is not quoted, e.g. I am a sheet!A1
  • SUM(Sheet2:Sheet3!A1:C3)
  • You tell me


  • The expected performance is at least 3x faster than my optimized formula-parser with more syntax support.


  • Chevrotain , thanks to this great parser building toolkit.


  • Install
    npm i fast-formula-parser
    # or using yarn
    yarn add fast-formula-parser
  • Import
    const FormulaParser = require('fast-formula-parser');
    const {FormulaHelpers, Types, FormulaError, MAX_ROW, MAX_COLUMN} = FormulaParser;
    // or
    import FormulaParser, {FormulaHelpers, Types, FormulaError, MAX_ROW, MAX_COLUMN} from 'fast-formula-parser';
    UMD minified build is also provides:
    <script src="/node_modules/fast-formula-parser/build/parser.min.js"> </script> 
  • Usage
    const data = [
      // A  B  C
        [1, 2, 3], // row 1
        [4, 5, 6]  // row 2
    const parser = new FormulaParser({
        // External functions, this will override internal functions with same name
        functions: {
            CHAR: (number) => {
                number = FormulaHelpers.accept(number, Types.NUMBER);
                if (number > 255 || number < 1)
                    throw FormulaError.VALUE;
                return String.fromCharCode(number);
        // Variable used in formulas (defined name)
        onVariable: (name, sheetName) => {
            // range reference (A1:B2)
            return {
                sheet: 'sheet name',
                from: {
                    row: 1,
                    col: 1,
                to: {
                    row: 2,
                    col: 2,
            // cell reference (A1)
            return {
                sheet: 'sheet name',
                row: 1,
                col: 1
        // retrieve cell value
        onCell: ({sheet, row, col}) => {
            // using 1-based index
            // return the cell value, see possible types in next section.
            return data[row - 1][col - 1];
        // retrieve range values
        onRange: (ref) => {
            // using 1-based index
            // Be careful when is MAX_COLUMN or is MAX_ROW, this will result in
            // unnecessary loops in this approach.
            const arr = [];
            for (let row = ref.from.row; row <=; row++) {
                const innerArr = [];
                if (data[row - 1]) {
                    for (let col = ref.from.col; col <=; col++) {
                        innerArr.push(data[row - 1][col - 1]);
            return arr;
    // parse the formula, the position of where the formula is located is required
    // for some functions.
    console.log(parser.parse('SUM(A:C)', {sheet: 'Sheet 1', row: 1, col: 1}));
    // print 21
    // you can specify if the return value can be an array, this is helpful when dealing
    // with an array formula
    console.log(parser.parse('MMULT({1,5;2,3},{1,2;2,3})', {sheet: 'Sheet 1', row: 1, col: 1}, true));
    // print [ [ 11, 17 ], [ 8, 13 ] ]
  • Formula data types in JavaScript
    • Number (date uses number): 1234
    • String: 'some string'
    • Boolean: true, false
    • Array: [1, 2, true, 'str']
    • Range Reference: (1-based index)
      const ref = {
          sheet: String,
          from: {
              row: Number,
              col: Number,
          to: {
              row: Number,
              col: Number,
    • Cell Reference: (1-based index)
      const ref = {
          sheet: String,
          row: Number,
          col: Number,
    • Union (e.g. (A1:C3, E1:G6))
    • FormulaError
      • FormulaError.DIV0: #DIV/0!
      • FormulaError.NA: #N/A
      • FormulaError.NAME: #NAME?
      • FormulaError.NULL: #NULL!
      • FormulaError.NUM: #NUM!
      • FormulaError.REF: #REF!
      • FormulaError.VALUE: #VALUE!