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feastjs, mvc, web, express, nodejs, expressjs, js
npm install feastjs@1.0.3



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$ npm install -g feastjs

Quick Start

The quickest way to get started with feastjs is to utilize the executable feast to generate an application as shown below:

Create the app:

$ feast new myapp

      create : myapp
      create : myapp/package.json
      create : myapp/.env
      create : myapp/app.js
      create : myapp/gulpfile.js
      create : myapp/app
      create : myapp/db
      create : myapp/db/setup.js
      create : myapp/db/seed.js
      create : myapp/public
      create : myapp/public/js
      create : myapp/public/images
      create : myapp/public/css
      create : myapp/routes
      create : myapp/routes/routes.js
      create : myapp/bin
      create : myapp/bin/www
      create : myapp/app/assets
      create : myapp/app/controllers
      create : myapp/app/controllers/index_controller.js
      create : myapp/app/models
      create : myapp/app/helpers
      create : myapp/app/views
      create : myapp/app/middlewares
      create : myapp/db/migrations
      create : myapp/test/controllers
      create : myapp/test/helpers
      create : myapp/test/models
      create : myapp/app/assets/javascripts
      create : myapp/app/assets/javascripts/script.js
      create : myapp/app/assets/stylesheets
      create : myapp/app/assets/stylesheets/style.css
      create : myapp/app/views/index
      create : myapp/app/views/index/home.ejs
      create : myapp/app/views/error.ejs
      create : myapp/app/views/partials
      create : myapp/app/views/partials/head.ejs
      create : myapp/app/views/partials/footer.ejs
      create : myapp/test
      create : myapp/test/controllers/index_controller_test.js

   install dependencies:
     $ cd myapp && npm install

   run the app:
     $ DEBUG=myapp:* npm run watch

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

OR use yarn

$ yarn install

Setup your assets:

$ gulp

Currently it supports only PostgreSQL Update .env file Run

$ npm run db:setup

Start your app at http://localhost:3000/:

$ npm start

To watch over file changes (hugely reduces pain of restarting server) :

$ npm run watch

File Structure

|      |
|      |____assets
|      |     |____javascripts
|      |     |____stylesheets
|      |
|      |____controllers
|      |    |____home.js
|      |
|      |____models
|      |     |___home.js
|      |
|      |____helpers
|      |
|      |____middlewares
|      |
|      |____views
|            |____index
|            |    |____home.ejs
|            |____error.ejs
|     |___routes.js
|    |____css
|    |
|    |____js
|    |
|    |____img

Command Line Options

This generator can also be further configured with the following command line flags.

  Usage: feast [options] [command]


    help [command]
    new <name>
    generate|g <typeGenerate> <name> [listToBeGenerated...]
    delete|d <typeDelete> <name>


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -v, --version  output the version number
        --git      add gitignore

Generate Controllers

$ feast generate controller static_pages index home

    create : /home/hitman/myapp/app/controllers/static_pages_controller.js
     route : get 'static_pages/home'
     route : get 'static_pages/index'
    invoke   test_unit
    create : /home/hitman/myapp/test/controllers/static_pages_controller_test.js
    invoke   helper
    create : /home/hitman/myapp/app/helpers/static_pages_helper.js
    invoke   js
    create : /home/hitman/myapp/app/assets/javascripts/static_pages.js
    invoke   css
    create : /home/hitman/myapp/app/assets/stylesheets/static_pages.css
    invoke   ejs
    create : /home/hitman/myapp/app/views/static_pages
    create : /home/hitman/myapp/app/views/static_pages/home.ejs
    create : /home/hitman/myapp/app/views/static_pages/index.ejs

Navigate to /static_pages/index

Generate Models

$ feast generate model random title:string plate:number

   create : myapp/app/models/random.js
   create : myapp/test/models/random_test.js
   create : myapp/db/migrations/[timestamp]_create_random.js

Run migrations (this feature is still under dev)

$ npm run migrations


  • To add sample login and signup functionality
  • Add support for more css engines less|stylus|compass|sass
  • Add support for more templating engines
  • Add tests
