
FFEL Firebase Email Logger

firebase, functions, logger, email, sendgrid, typescript, error-reporting, firebase-functions
npm install ffel@1.0.2


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FFEL Firebase Email Logger.

FFEL is an alternate logging system for NodeJS applications. It uses SendGrid to send emails with an error message to a specified emial address. It was developed for programs running on Firebase Functions, but could be used anywhere an email needs to be send with an error.


FFEL can be installed via the Github Package Repository:

npm install @jaredforth/ffel@1.0.1

or NPM:

npm install ffel


To import the main Logger class, use:

const { Logger } = require('ffel');

The Logger class takes one argument, which must be an object of the form:

const msg = {
    to: 'email@example.com',
    from: 'email@example.com',
    subject: 'Example Subject',
    text: 'A message to send',
    apiKey: 'Your SendGrid API key'

Initialize with:

const logger = new Logger(msg);

Once setup has been completed, you can use the log() method to send an email via SendGrid and have your error logged to the console:

logger.log("Your error message")

This will send an email to the to field specified in the initialization argument and log the error to the console.