A library of file manipulation commands.

npm install filemanip@0.10.1



An NPM CLI that allows file manipulation. A lot of commands require ffmpeg to be pre-installed.

This is a very random, quick n' dirty (no unit tests) list of commands that I use to help friends and family organize media files. Any other use would be plesant but not anticipated.


  • Node
  • ffmpeg


To install simply run

npm install -g filemanip


To use filmanip cd into a directory of files you want manipulated and run filemanip command where 'command' is one of the commands below.


  • convert mp3 -- converts files into mp3 files
    • convert mp3 -r -- converts files into mp3 files recursively using subfolders
  • copy random /x/ /dir/ -- copies x number of files randomly with no repeating from a dir of your choice
    • copy random /x/ /dir/ -music -- copies x number of music files randomly with no repeating from a dir of your choice
  • split mp3 -- splits files into mp3 files into 30 min chunks
  • combine mp3 -- combines multipe mp3 files into one mp3 file
  • meta randomplay -- prepends x_ in random order to filename and title, where 'x' is descending numbers
    • meta randomplay /x/ -- prepends x_ in random order to filename and title, where 'x' is descending numbers and a passed x is how much the numbers increment by
  • meta addtracknumbers -- adds track numbers to files
  • speed /speed/ -- speeds up the files by the optional amount of speed (defaults is 1.2)


To get help in the CLI run

filemanip -h