
Decorates FIX protocol messages in console to make them easier to read

FIX, Financial Information Exchange
npm install fix-log-decorate@0.2.6


A Node.js command line parser for FIX protocol messages. This decorates FIX messages with colours fieldnames and value lookups, making them easer to read.


  • Node.js is required (
  • Then npm install -g fix-log-decorate (or otherwise just use npx fix-log-decorate directly in the command line).

To update, you can run npm update -g fix-log-decorate


You can pipe FIX message containing logs to fix-log-decorate:

echo "8=FIX.4.1|9=61|35=A|34=1|49=EXEC|52=20121105-23:24:06|56=BANZAI|98=0|108=30|10=003|" \
| fix-log-decorate

Or use npx fix-log-decorate, here reading a log file in real time with tail -f, and using some switches to control output. grep --line-buffered -v 35=0 will skip heartbeats: --line-buffered is sometimes necessary to get lines to pass through the pipe.

tail -f someFIXlog.log | \
grep --line-buffered -v 35=0 | \
npx fix-log-decorate --skip="8 9 10" --usenumber=0 --usenewline=1 --delim=" "

(Alternatively you could pipe to node fix-log-decorate.mjs with a local install).


fix-log-decorate screenshot showing coloured field names and values on command line


    --skip="9 35 BeginString",
    --keep="8 10 MsgType"
    --highlight="52 Symbol BTCUSD 1583.81"

  • --use... switches control which elements are shown. They default to on (1), except for --usenewline, which defaults to off (0).
  • --skipseen controls whether field and lookup values which are repeated are displayed again. This is useful to keep output size for messages with repeated fields (such as market data) small. Defaults to on (1).
  • --skip and --keep allow exclusion or inclusion of fields by name or number. Default to nothing (i.e. include all fields). Fields are delimited by spaces.
  • --highlight is a space delimited list of field names, numbers, values and lookup values to highlight in yellow, to make them stand out. Defaults to nothing.
  • --delim sets the output delimiter (both "|" and ascii code 1 are accepted as delimiter input). Default is "|".
