Flux viewport for visualizing geometry

npm install flux-viewport@0.29.0


Flux Viewport


The git book documenting the Flux JavaScript SDK, has a good introduction to using the Flux Viewport.

Sample Project

Several projects in Flux Labs use the Flux Viewport. If you want a simple one try the Flux Seed starter project.

API Reference Documentation

For a complete list of functions see the API Reference


Make sure you have node version 4+

npm install

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8001

Different usage examples are available, navigate to the appropriate url.

Basic Demo - Use this see an example of how the viewport can be used in a web page. http://localhost:8001/demo/basic.html

Advanced Demo - This example shows how to make a page with multiple viewports. http://localhost:8001/demo/advanced.html

QA - Use this page load the image diffing app. http://localhost:8001/qa/

Extended Developer Setup

If you want to contribute changes to the viewport code base please email support@flux.io and introduce yourself.

To setup gerrit for code review run the following commands. ```

Update remotes

git remote rename origin bitbucket git remote add gerrit ssh://${USER}@cr.flux.io:29418/flux-viewport

Add Commit hook

curl https://cr.flux.io/tools/hooks/commit-msg > git rev-parse --git-dir/hooks/commit-msg chmod +x git rev-parse --git-dir/hooks/commit-msg ``` If you are working in Flux genie follow the instructions here (Flux Employees Only): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qf6PGJN54buSGFcrcRCZnruY4yTAsNRzoMtEpyE2VFY/edit#heading=h.owqmh4p4ruch