
Creates forwarders and device subscriptions for forwarders

octoblu, iot
npm install forwarder-service@0.2.14


Forwarder Subscription Service

This micro-service registers forwarder devices and can setup device message subscriptions on behalf of the device owner.

What are Forwarders?

Forwarders are devices that receive messages intended for other devices and forward the messages received somewhere else - like a datastore or another messaging platform. They allow you to spy on messages sent, received or broadcast to or from your devices to another endpoint.

Forwarder Subscription API

All APIs should have the following fields in the header of the HTTP request


The Uuid and Token should belong to the user or device that will have subscriptions created on their behalf

Get Forwarder Types /types GET

Get the list of forwarder types.

Get all forwarders /forwarders GET

Returns the list of forwarders that the authorized user owns

response 200 with the list of forwarders

Get Forwarder Subscriptions /forwarders/:uuid/subscriptions


uuid - The forwarder meshblu uuid


Returns the list of devices that the forwarder is subscribed to

Add Forwarder Subscription /forwarders/:forwarderUuid/subscriptions/:emitterUuid/:type POST


forwarderUuid - The meshblu uuid of the forwarder device emitterUuid - The meshblu uuid of the device we would like the forwarder to subscribe to type - The type of message subscription. Valid types are [message.sent, message.received, broadcast.sent]


204 - The subscription was sucessfully created if the owner can update the forwarder and emitter devices 403 - The authorized owner cannot update either the forwarder or emitter device.

Remove Forwarder subscriptions /forwarders/:forwarderUuid/subscriptions/:emitterUuid/:type DELETE

forwarderUuid - The meshblu uuid of the forwarder device emitterUuid - The meshblu uuid of the device we would like the forwarder to subscribe to type - The type of message subscription. Valid types are [message.sent, message.received, broadcast.sent]


204 - The subscription was sucessfully removed if the owner can update the forwarder and emitter devices 403 - The authorized owner cannot update either the forwarder or emitter device.