
Generic json sanitizer is very small generic json sanitizer with express middleware support using 'sanitize-html'

sanitizer, express, expressjs, nodejs, typescript
npm install generic-json-sanitizer@1.1.4



Generic json sanitizer is very small generic json sanitizer with express middleware support using 'sanitize-html', by walking on json tree and cleaning any string.

Build & Test Status

Install via NPM:

npm install generic-json-sanitizer

The sanitizer using sanitize-html API. And sanitize option is IOptions.

Pay attention! The async API uses the JS Worker Thread API- this means Node.JS >= 14 is required and may also cause issues with Webpack bundling. This does NOT affect the synchronous API.

Simple using.

import { sanitizeJsonSync } from 'generic-json-sanitizer';

const dirtySchema: any = {
    a: 5555,
    b: '<script>alert("hello");</script>',
    c: {
        d: '<script>',
        e: 'hello,; : world--= :',
        f: 54435622
    g: [
        '<script>alert("hello");</script> world',
            h: 'hello <script>alert("world");</script>'

const cleanOptions = {
    allowedAttributes: {},
    allowedTags: [],

/** Clean sync dirty schema */
sanitizeJsonSync(dirtySchema, cleanOptions)
console.log(`Sanitized schema: ${JSON.stringify(dirtySchema)}`);

/** Clean big schema async */
sanitizeJsonAsync(bigDirtySchema, cleanOptions)
    .then((sanitizeSchema: any) => {
        console.log(`Async Sanitized schema sample: ${JSON.stringify(sanitizeSchema[55])}`);

Using as express middleware

import { sanitizeExpressMiddleware } from 'generic-json-sanitizer';
import * as express from 'express';

const app = express();

/** For default options */
/** To sanitize big schema, you can use async sanitizer */

/** Set 'sanitize-html' options */
app.use((request: express.Request, response: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
    sanitizeExpressMiddleware(request, response, next, {
        allowedAttributes: {},
        allowedTags: [],

Async supports only from Node 13.

For real example see src/example folder.