Run an OAuth login flow and display the final token
🏠 Homepage
yarn global add get-oauth-token
Once the package is installed globally, you can see the current list of commands
by running oauth help
This tool relies on creating a .oauthrc
file in your user directory which
will contain a profile for each location that you want to get a token from. To
create a new profile, run:
oauth new-profile
And the cli will step you through a series of questions to create a new profile.
To use the CLI to get a token, run the login command and provide a profile name.
oauth login test-profile
This will open a browser and start the login flow. At the end of the flow you'll see a webpage with the ID Token and some links to view it on or copy.
👤 Ben Force
- Website:
- Twitter: @theBenForce
- Github: @theBenForce
- LinkedIn: @theBenForce
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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