
Initialize new Assemble projects.

assemble, generator, grunt handlebars, grunt init, grunt plugin, grunt task, grunt templates, gruntplugin, handlebars, init, markdown, site generator, yeoman generator, yeoman, yo
npm install grunt-init-assemble@0.4.1


grunt-init-assemble NPM version

Quickly launch Assemble-based projects using grunt-init, including starter templates and data.

Getting started


If you haven't already done so, install Grunt and grunt-init:

npm i -g grunt-cli grunt-init

Once grunt-init is installed, place this template in your ~/.grunt-init/ directory. It's recommended that you use git clone to install this template into that directory as follows:

git clone ~/.grunt-init/assemble

(Windows users, see the documentation for the correct destination directory path)

To force grunt-init to use custom default values, move the defaults.json file to your ~/.grunt-init/ directory, and customize the values in that file.

Note: you can make the template available as any name you choose by simply changing the name of the folder that the template is installed into. So instead of ~/.grunt-init/assemble, you may change the name to ~/.grunt-init/foo so that the template can be used with the following command: grunt-init foo.


Now that grunt init is intalled. At the command-line, cd into an empty directory and run grunt-init assemble and follow the prompts. You might want to test that it works before you begin customizing the project:

  • Next, run npm install && bower install to install the project's dependencies.
  • Then, run grunt to build the project and test that it works.

Note that this template will generate files in the current directory, so be sure to change to a new directory first.

Related projects

Assemble generators

  • generator-assemble: Yeoman generator for Assemble, the static site generator built on Grunt.js. Kickstart new Assemble projects in just a few seconds, including templates, data, layouts, and a theme.
  • grunt-init-assemble: Grunt init template for Assemble, the static site generator built on Grunt.js. Kickstart new Assemble projects in just a few seconds, including templates, data, layouts, and a theme.
  • grunt-init-assemble-plugin: Generate a plugin for Assemble.
  • grunt-init-basic: grunt-init template for a very basic project. includes nodeunit tests, jshint, watch, clean, and assemble for converting readme to a simple gh-pages index page.
  • grunt-init-ghpages: Quickly build gh-pages documentation from a project README using Grunt.js and Assemble, a Node.js alternative to Jekyll.
  • grunt-init-helper: Grunt init template for creating Assemble helpers.

Assemble plugins

Some plugins from the Assemble core team that you might be interested in using in your projects:

Assemble boilerplates


Jon Schlinkert

Brian Woodward

Copyright and license

Copyright 2013 Jon Schlinkert

MIT License