
Hapi.js plugin for MoleculerJS integration

hapi, moleculer, broker, microservices
npm install hapi-moleculer@2.2.0



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Hapi plugin for the Moleculer Microservices Framework

Hapi plugin for the Moleculer Microservices Framework.


npm i hapi-moleculer --save


yarn add hapi-moleculer


'use strict'

const  Hapi  =  require('hapi');
const  HapiMoleculer  =  require('hapi-moleculer');
const { ServiceBroker } =  require('moleculer');

(async  function() {
	// Create a server
	const  server  =  new  Hapi.Server({
		host:  'localhost',
		port:  3000,

	// Register the plugin
	await  server.register({
		plugin: HapiMoleculer, 
		options: {
			// broker config object or ServiceBroker instance
			broker: {
				namespace:  'my-namespace',
				logger:  true,
				logLevel:  'info',
			aliases: [{
				method:  'REST',
				path:  '/users',
				action:  'users',
				routeOpts: {
					// Add tags in all routes
					all: {
						tags: ['api', 'user'],
					// Add properties only for list endpoint ( /user/list )
					list: {
						description:  'list all users',
			}, {
				method:  'POST',
				path:  '/user/login',
				action:  'users.login',
				routeOpts: {
					description:  'user login',
					tags: ['api', 'user'],
					// Turn the authentication off for this route ( supposing you have it enabled for all routes )
					auth:  false,
					// Add custom validation
					validate: {
						payload:  Joi.object({
							user:  Joi.object({
								username:  Joi.string().required(),
								password:  Joi.string().required(),
	// Starting server



  • name - (optional) Service name that will be used to create the context action names. Default to api.
  • broker - (optional) Either a ServiceBroker seeting object or a ServiceBroker instance. Default to {}. Eg:
// Register the plugin
await  server.register({
   plugin: HapiMoleculer,
   options: {
   	broker: {
   		namespace:  'my-namespace',
   		logger:  true,
   		logLevel:  'info',

// or

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
   namespace:  'my-namespace',
   logger:  true,
   logLevel:  'info',
await  server.register({ plugin, options: { broker });
  • aliases - (optional) Array of alias objects where:
    • method - (optional) Either a string / array of strings representing the method name within ( GET, POST, UPDATE, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS ) or a single option within ( REST, * ). Use * to match against any HTTP method. REST will create all RESTful paths ( get, list, create, update and remove ) for the action. Default to *. Eg.:

      [{ method: 'REST', path: '/user', action: 'users'}]
      // same as
         { method: 'GET', path: '/user/{id}', action: 'users.get'},
         { method: 'GET', path: '/user', action: 'users.list'},
         { method: 'POST', path: '/user', action: 'users.creare'},
         { method: 'PUT', path: '/user/{id}', action: 'users.update'},
         { method: 'DELETE', path: '/user/{id}', action: 'users.remove'}

      To use REST shorthand alias you need to create a service which has list, get, create, update and remove actions.

    • path - (required) the absolute path used to match incoming requests ( must begin with '/' ).

    • action - (required) Moleculer action name.

    • blacklist - (optional) A list of actions that will be cut out from the RESTful paths. Valid values: list, get, create, update and remove. Only valid if method is REST. Eg.:

    	method: 'REST',
    	path: '/user',
    	action: 'users',
    	// it will create just list, get and remove
    	blacklist: ['create', 'update']
    • routeOpts - (optional) additional route options. When the method name is equal to REST the routeOpts has all 5 RESTful options plus one all properties:
         method: 'POST',
         path: '/users/login',
         action: 'users.login',
         routeOpts: {
         	// route options here
         method: 'REST',
         path: '/user',
         action: 'users',
         routeOpts: {
         	all: { // route options here },
         	get: { // route options here },
         	list: { // route options here },
         	create: { // route options here },
         	update: { // route options here },
         	delete: { // route options here },

      Assign values in the following order: inner default opts, routeOpts.all and routeOpts.[actionType] using lodash.assign.


hapi-moleculer decorates the Hapi server and request with server.broker and request.broker which is the instance of the ServiceBroker created in the register function. It can be used to call the actions in the route handler, plugins, etc. Eg.:

const route = {
	method: 'POST',
	path: '/user/logout',
	options: {
		validate: {
			headers:  Joi.object({
				authorization:  Joi.string().regex(/^Token [A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$/).required(),
			}).options({ allowUnknown:  true }),
	handler:  async  function  logout(request) {
		const { token } =  request.auth.credentials;
		return  request.broker.call('users.logout', { token });


hapi-moleculer creates a Moleculer Context to wrap the call in every request. It uses the Hapi request lifecyle workflow to first create the Context in the onPreAuth step and then set the params in the onPreHandler step. The context can be accessed with request.ctx. Hence, you can use it to set the ctx.meta in the autencation step or any other step you need. Eg.:

"use strict";

const Bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
const Hapi = require("hapi");

const users = {
  john: {
    username: "john",
    password: "$2a$10$iqJSHD.BGr0E2IxQwYgJmeP3NvhPrXAeLSaGCj6IR/XU5QtjVu5Tm", // 'secret'
    name: "John Doe",
    id: "2133d32a"

const validate = async (request, username, password) => {
  const user = users[username];
  if (!user) {
    return { credentials: null, isValid: false };

  const isValid = await Bcrypt.compare(password, user.password);
  const credentials = { id: user.id, name: user.name };

  // Set the meta if the credentials are valid.
  if (isValid) {
    request.ctx.meta.credentials = credentials;

  return { isValid, credentials };

const start = async () => {
  const server = Hapi.server({ port: 4000 });

	await server.register(require("hapi-auth-basic"));
	await server.register(require("hapi-moleculer"));

  server.auth.strategy("simple", "basic", { validate });

    method: "GET",
    path: "/",
    options: {
      auth: "simple"
    handler: function(request, h) {
      return "welcome";

  await server.start();

  console.log("server running at: " + server.info.uri);

