
Herbalife Shared UI Library, !Sames Styles for Everyone!

npm install herbalife-sharedui@1.0.2



This is the first prototipe version of the NPM Shared UI library.

This library will be used for sharind the base styles and scripts for the herbalife projects.

How to work with it:

1: download or copy from the repo on github: https://github.com/ingenierouga/Herbalife-SharedUI [holder until official herbalife path is approved]

2: make appropiate changes

3: Commit changes and notify authorizers [Carlos Mendez - pending email/github account, Emilio Sanchez - Ingenierouga/github, Luis Fernando Zatarain - pending email/gihutb account]

4: Authorizers will review change

5: If change is approbed, Authorizers will update NPM package you can review the package version and updates on https://www.npmjs.com/package/herbalife-sharedui

6: Update the version of the SharedUI NPM Package on the Package.json on your project

7: Run Npm Update on your folders path to have NPM update the content of the package

This is a test change