
Frigidaire Dehumidifier Appliance

homebridge-plugin, homebridge, hoobs, homekit, frigidaire, dehumidifier
npm install homebridge-frigidaire-dehumidifier@2.0.0


NPM Version verified-by-homebridge

Homebridge Plug-In for Frigidaire Dehumidifier

An Homebridge plug-in to integrate the Frigidaire's connected dehumidifier with HomeKit. It monitors and control devices via the Frigidaire unofficial cloud API. Thanks to the Frigidaire Python API https://github.com/bm1549/frigidaire developers and https://github.com/karlg100/frigidaire , this module uses logic and code gain from reviewing those works. Frigidaire updated their API to v3 in June 2023 and deprecated v2 in February 2024, meaning the plug-in engine had to be re-written. Upgrade to version 2+ may impact previous automation or setting. This is a one time event to support Frigidaire v3 API.


  • This module will poll for the status of the various components based frequency provided in the configuration file. No realtime notification is provided.

Configuration options

Attributes Description
username Frigidaire username. This is a required value.
password Frigidaire password. This is a required value.
deviceRefresh Polling interval to obtain status of Frigidaire appliance, provided in seconds. Default to 90 seconds, this is an optional value. Please note: Small values may cause account lock or frequent API errors.
dehumidifierMode Homekit only has two mode dehumidifying modes "Auto" and "Dehumidifying". When "Dehumidifying" is selected in Homekit the selection is map to a specific Frigidaire appliance mode: "Quiet", "Dry" or "Continuous".

Valid string values are the following:

The default mode for is Frigidaire "Dry" mode. This an optional value.

enableAirPurifier Create additional tile for Air purifier/Ionizer functionality. Default to true, this is an optional value.
excludedDevices Devices IDs to suppress from HomeKit. The device IDs can be obtain from Homebridge logs at startup of this plug-in. This is an optional value.

💧 Note: Dehumidifier Relative Humidity

There is a difference between Frigidaire App and Homebridge/HomeKit for relative humidity.

HomeKit Relative Humidity work between 0%-100% (By design). Here is translation between Frigidaire and Homekit.

Frigidaire HomeKit
35% 0%
40% 10%
45% 20%
50% 30%
55% 40%
60% 50%
65% 60%
70% 70%
75% 80%
80% 90%
85% 100%

Example configuration is below, with Frigidaire dehumidifier mode set to Quiet mode for dehumidifying and Air purifier/Ionizer set to display in Homekit.


"platforms": [
    "name": "FrigidaireAppliance",
    "auth": {
        "username": "<username>",
        "password": "<password>"
      "deviceRefresh": 90,
      "dehumidifierMode": "Quiet",
      "enableAirPurifier": true,
      "platform": "FrigidaireAppliance"